The Walk is a daily writing to inspire you in your own personal intimacy with Abba.

Listen, my radiant one—if you ever lose sight of me, just follow in my footsteps where I lead my lovers. (Song of Songs 1:8)

The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

The Place of Transformation

Abba's love doesn't just comfort us - it transforms us. Paul urges us to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind". “Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.” Romans 12:1-2

As we've explored the love of Jesus this week, reflect on how this understanding is changing you. Are you seeing yourself differently, through the lens of His love? How might your interactions with others change as you live from a place of being deeply loved by Jesus? The fruit of living from this place is a whole, healed heart. We get to see Him right and see others right when our hearts are healed.

Did you take time this week to write the letter to Abba expressing your doubts and fears? Has He heard your voice this week? The hardest thing is to sit in the seat of perfect love under the light of Jesus where nothing is hidden, but it is the place of transformation. This perfect love is the key to transformation and freedom. We must remember it is a safe place to be real and raw about who you are and how you think. Abba never turns away. His love draws us closer and closer to becoming just like Him. Weeping may endure for the night but there is joy in the morning. Surrender to the seat of perfect love. It may be painful for a little while but the joy on the other side is worth it.

Today, offer yourself as a "living sacrifice" to Yahweh, asking Him to continue transforming you by His love. Pray for opportunities to share this transformative love with others, allowing His love to flow through you into a world in need of His grace.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Let’s Catch Those Foxes!

The Shulamite Listen! I hear my lover’s voice. I know it’s him coming to me—leaping with joy over mountains, skipping in love over the hills that separate us, to come to me.

The Shepherd-King The one I love calls to me: Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one. The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, “There is change in the air.” Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me. For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock. It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky. Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice. How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer. You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I’ve planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them for me? We will do it together.” Song of Solomon 2:8-15

Yesterday we took a walk with the Shulamite (us) calling out to Jesus to revive us with His presence and refresh us with His grace. As we continue our journey in the Song of Solomon, we hear the Shulamite saying, Listen, I hear my lover’s voice. He’s coming to me just like I asked. He’s leaping with joy over every mountain or hill that would try to separate us. You must know there is nothing that can stand in the way of His love and grace coming to you. Even if it is a mountain or hill you created. When we call out to Him- He is faithful to be there.

Let’s walk through the response of Jesus to us. Take time to really sit with these words spoken to you. The depth of this response requires time, meditate on His words to you. His response is, “Arise, my dearest, hurry my darling, come away with me! I have come as you have asked.” Jesus always calls us to an elevated posture of confidence in Him. He doesn’t allow us to sit in our darkness or delusion of ourselves. For now, is the time. The season has changed. The bondage of thoughts, regrets, mess-ups, and hurts are now over. This barren winter has ended. Oddly enough, we just experienced a record-breaking snow fall here on the Coast. Everything has been blanketed with snow and ice. Hiding everything under its purity. What happens after winter? Spring! New life breaking forth. It is the season for pruning. Pruning does not have to be painful if we see it right. Pruning should cause us to break forth in singing. It is a sign we are walking with Him daily when we are being pruned. As we see his pruning as a gift of care our lives begin to bloom like never before.

You are the dove of Jesus and He longs to see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice of worship and prayer. He then says something interesting. “You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship.” What are the sly foxes? Doubts, fear, anxiety, worry, wrong image of yourself or any compromise you have deep in your heart. These foxes are the areas we have not surrendered to the blood of Jesus. They hinder us from becoming the image of Christ in the earth. All of the precious things He plants in your heart will be stolen from you if you continue to allow the foxes to raid the garden of your heart. We must let go of all the past hurts or we are literally like a hamster on a never-ending wheel. Our relationship with Jesus will not grow. The restrictions on your life will remain. Nothing will ever change. Aren’t you ready to move forward in a healed, whole heart?

Jesus is asking, “Will you catch them and remove them?” When we think about the sly little foxes, we deal with on a daily basis the thought of catching them to remove them causes us to retreat. We have dealt with some of these doubts and feelings so long we don’t know how to live without them. We must understand the depths of the hinderance they cause in our relationship with Jesus and others. My favorite part of this passage is, “WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER”

All we have to do is acknowledge the foxes and be willing to bring them to Jesus and He helps us. Understand, He does NOT help us cope with the foxes. He helps us get rid of them. We are to be free so our garden can grow. Remember we talked about being a kingdom people others can feed from? He is calling us to a higher place with Him. It is a new day! Will you bring those foxes to Him? This is a time of excitement and joy. A prisoner who has been released is full of joy, not sadness or despair.

Let Jesus see your face of radiance and hear your beautiful voice of worship to Him. Shout with joy as you rid the foxes in your garden.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

The Rose of Sharon

The Shulamite I am truly his rose, the very theme of his song. I’m overshadowed by his love, like a lily growing in the valley!

The Shepherd-King Yes, you are my darling companion. You stand out from all the rest. For though the thorns surround you, you remain as pure as a lily, more than all others.

The Shulamite My beloved is to me the most fragrant apple tree—he stands above the sons of men. Sitting under his grace-shadow, I blossom in his shade, enjoying the sweet taste of his pleasant, delicious fruit, resting with delight where his glory never fades. Suddenly, he transported me into his house of wine—he looked upon me with his unrelenting love divine. Revive me with your raisin cakes. Refresh me again with your apples. Help me and hold me, for I am lovesick! I am longing for more—yet how could I take more? His left hand cradles my head while his right hand holds me close. I am at rest in this love.

The Shepherd-King Promise me, Jerusalem maidens, by the gentle gazelles and delicate deer, that you’ll not disturb my love until she is ready to arise. Song of Solomon 2:1-4

Remember, we are the Shulamite and Jesus is the Shepherd-King. Let’s go deeper in this conversation with Jesus. One of the names of Jesus is the Rose of Sharon? The name comes from this passage. When she says, “I am truly his rose, the theme of his song,” this is referring to the rose of Sharon. The word Sharon is translated his song. The root word for rose is overshadowed. He overshadows us with his song of love. This understanding will cause us to lean more into Him. He is forever singing over you.

Jesus speaks to us- you are my darling companion. As His companion we stand out around others. We can be surrounded by the curse of sin and be as pure as a lily. Lilies are a symbol of purity in our innermost being. We should never be afraid of that which seems dark in the world. Remember perfect love casts out all fear. We overcome all darkness with our light, which is why it is so important to let Him love you. As we let Jesus love us the way he wants to we will love others purely without fear.

The Shulamite responds with assurance of who she is to Him and who He is to her. We too can be confident in this romance with Jesus. We get to sit under His grace shadow resting where His glory never fades. Suddenly, He transports us to the “house of wine.” Wine always speaks of joy in the scriptures. This house of wine is the place of joy where we feast and have communion with Jesus. It is a celebration of all good things we experience with Him. This is the place we realize the banner over us is love! This banner never fails.

When she says, “revive me with raisin cakes and refresh me again with your apples,” what does this mean for us as His beloved? King David gave raisin cakes to the nation of Israel to celebrate the Ark of Glory, Yahweh’s presence coming into Jerusalem. This points to the fire of passion burning in our hearts for Him. He revives us with His passionate love. “Refresh me with your apples.” These are actually apricots, and they point to the sweet promises of grace. His grace brings refreshment to our daily lives.

Have you ever held a newborn baby? Think about how you hold them. You always have one hand supporting their head and the other you bring them in close to hold them, so they feel loved and secure in your arms. The Shulamite gives us a beautiful description of Jesus holding us this way. His left hand cradles our head. The Hebrew word for left is smowl. The left hand of the Lord speaks of the mysteries of His ways. So often we can look back at moments and think there is no way I got through that without His grace. It is grace working in our lives dealing with situations we don’t even see. We can rest in His arms of love.

He speaks in verse 7, “promise me, brides to be, that you will not disturb my love until she is ready to rise.” We must remember our intimate relationship with Jesus is about sitting with Him and letting Him love us. In turn, our passion for Him grows stronger and we become the Bride he gave the ultimate sacrifice for. We should never feel the pressure of ministry above our love affair with Him. Be careful not to let anyone disturb your secret place (the bedchamber) with Jesus. As you stay focused on your intimacy with Jesus, he will give you the wisdom to know when to arise to do what He is asking you to do. It starts with letting Him love you.

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His Loving Care

“The words I have spoken over you have already cleansed you. So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. John 15:3-4

Jesus invites us to "abide" or remain in His love. This isn't a passive state, but an active choice to stay connected to Him, like a branch to a vine. Abide signifies to await, lodge, dwell and endure. Remember yesterday we discussed allowing His love to perfect us in the day of crisis? We must await in His love to see the fruit of perfect love displayed in our lives.

As you read this passage, consider what it means to abide in Christ's love practically. Are you allowing His love to flow through you to others? Are there areas where you need "pruning" to bear more fruit? Remember, pruning comes when things happen, we don’t like or agree with, and it causes us to react instead of responding in love. Anytime there is a reaction outside of the character of Christ He is trying to reveal something in our hearts He wants to prune. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remain deeply rooted in Christ's love, and to empower you to love others with the same selfless love Christ has shown you.

Abba is inviting us to 'arise' and move to a 'higher place' in our spiritual journey, what fears or hesitations do you face in responding? I encourage you to write a letter to Abba today expressing these fears and allow Him to prune as you await in His loving care.

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Perfect Love Cast Out Fear

“We have come into an intimate experience with Yahweh’s love, and we trust in the love he has for us. Yahweh is love! Those who are living in love are living in Him, and Yahweh lives through them. By living in Yahweh, love has been brought to its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world. Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love’s perfection. Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us.” 1 John 4:16-19

YAHWEH IS LOVE! He cannot ever be anything other than love. His love is perfect at all times. In 1 John, he tells us when we live in Yahweh then love is perfected in us. When love is perfected, we no longer fear what is to come. We may “fearlessly face the day of judgement.” We have always been taught this is in reference to standing before Jesus on the day of judgement. It is not. This word judgement in the Greek is krisis. When we face crisis in our lives, we do not need to fear the outcome. Jesus says we can face any crisis fearlessly because we are all that He is right now in this world. His love is so perfect we can rest in knowing whatever comes our way in this life, in our day to day, we do not fear because we are made perfect in His love. This does not mean you will not experience grief or hurt but His love will protect you through the pain and disappointment, so it does not affect your heart negatively.

When situations arise if your first response is fear Jesus wants you to see love has not been perfected in you. This is not to bring disappointment or shame. He is always inviting us into more of knowing Him intimately, so His love is perfected in us.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear" Today, reflect on areas of your life where fear may be holding you back from fully experiencing Yahweh's love. Are there doubts, insecurities, or past hurts - that are hindering your relationship with Him? Your relationship with others? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these areas and invite Yahweh's perfect love to cast out all fear.

Remember, we love because He first loved us. His love perfected in us gives us the ability to express this perfect love towards others. It’s our grateful response to what is happening in our own hearts. Pastor Tim gave a great illustration concerning this part of 1 John. If you are thinking, I do love Jesus I just struggle with my passion for intimacy or I see others experiencing His presence and I don’t feel like I ever get to that place with Him. Did you know you can stop the love of Yahweh from loving you perfectly?

We love because He first loved us. Pastor Tim shared his conversation with Abba concerning this and Abba said, “this pattern never stops.” In other words, you feel His love and it causes you to connect your heart to Him and the Kingdom family. Now you are loving because He first loved you. Then He calls you to a deeper connection to Him but you’re struggling with doubts, so you keep Him from loving you like He wants to. You just stopped the pattern. But when He calls you closer and you say, Abba I have these doubts I am struggling with. He says bring them to Me and place them at the feet of perfect love. You now have continued the pattern of perfect love. It never stops loving us perfectly. Our part is to keep bringing Him all the things that cause fear in us. If you experience fear of any kind, He is inviting you today to bring those fears to Him. Let His love cast those fears out.

Allow yourself to be embraced by His unconditional love today. Open your heart and be honest with Him.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

How Salty are You?

“Your lives are like salt among the people. But if you, like salt, become bland, how can your ‘saltiness’ be restored? Flavorless salt is good for nothing and will be thrown out and trampled on by others. Your lives light up the world. For how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light. So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5

We finish out our week by considering how our intimate relationship with Jesus should impact how we live in the world. Pastor Tim mentioned Sunday that the world is waiting for "lovers" - not just believers or confessors, but those who have been so transformed by Yahweh's love that they radiate it to others.

Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world. Our lives should have a distinctive flavor and illuminate the darkness around us. In the Greek and Aramaic, the flavorless salt is considered foolish, so that means salt that keeps its flavor is wise. So salt is equal to wisdom. The Passion Translation foot notes tell us it was common practice in Jesus’ day for them to put salt on the wick of a lamp to increase its brightness. We must seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit each day so our love for others shines brighter.

James reminds us that true faith isn't just about hearing God's word but putting it into practice.

Reflect on how your relationship with Jesus influences your daily life and interactions. Are there areas where you've been content with just believing or confessing, without allowing His love to truly transform you? How can you more fully realize Yahweh's love in your relationships, work, and community?

Today, look for practical ways to be "salt and light." This might involve showing kindness to a difficult person, speaking words of encouragement, or taking action to address a need you see. Ask Jesus to help you love others as He has loved you, and to give you opportunities to share His love in tangible ways.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

To The Wedding Of…

“Your tender cheeks are beautiful —your earrings and gem-laden necklaces set them ablaze. We will enhance your beauty, with golden ornaments studded with silver” Song of Solomon 1:10-11

As we embark on this beautiful journey in Song of Solomon, we must prepare our hearts to receive affectionate words of affirmation from our Bridegroom, Jesus. Allow Him to speak tenderly to your heart and choose to receive His vision of you. Let’s dive into the verses above. In The Passion Translation we can read some details of what the original language meant by these words. First, your tender cheeks are beautiful. Cheeks represent your emotions that is revealed by your countenance. Jesus can see past our scrunchy face to who we really are. We are alive and pleasing to Him. Have you ever heard the expression inform your face? Our face gives way to how we are feeling. Jesus is speaking to the you that He has made alive. Oftentimes, we let situations dictate our feelings instead of living in His love at all times. Most of the time those situations are not a big deal in light of His love and our intimacy with Him.

“Your earrings and gem-laden necklaces,” this points us to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What is on the inside is much more important that outward appearances. I Peter 3 says, “Let your true beauty come from your inner personality, not a focus on the external. For lasting beauty comes from a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is precious in God’s sight and is much more important than the outward adornment of elaborate hair, jewelry, and fine clothes.” This inner personality comes from an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Pastor Tim gave us an incredible illustration on Sunday concerning verse 11. “We will enhance your beauty.” We are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the word perichoresis. It is the Greek word for rotation. Perichoresis means "going around" or "rotation" and describes the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Their love for us places us right in the middle being loved perfectly every time. They are making us holy and radiant. You hear us call it the circle dance.

Gold always points us to the divine and silver always points to redemption. He spares no expense to be with us. As a bride we must stop leaving our Groom at the altar. There is nothing more valuable or more important than an intimate relationship with Jesus. Like Pastor Tim said Sunday we are being invited to the circle dance of perfect love, loving us perfectly. Will you accept the invitation?

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

A Bride is a Lover. Period.

“A lover looks radically different than a believer, confessor, and attender.” Pastor Tim

A believer: one who believes Jesus died for their sins and was resurrected

A confessor: one who confesses Jesus as their Lord and Savior

An attender: one who attends church every time the doors are open. They make sure their children are sitting quietly or attending children’s church faithfully. They look the part.

A lover: one who never stops thinking about Him. Every aspect of their lives He is invited into. They love being with Him in every moment. They are safe, secure, full of joy, and hope for today and the future. They long for on earth as it is in heaven.

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, Will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. I will give her her vineyards from there, And the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; She shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt. “And it shall be, in that day,” Says the Lord, “That you will call Me ‘My Husband,’ And no longer call Me ‘My Master.’”

Hosea 2:14-16

Yahweh brings you into the wilderness for one reason. Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness. Why? To speak to her heart. Not her brain. Not your intellect. Not even your theology. He needs your heart. In the wilderness is where you become a lover. Egypt does not represent the world. We’ve been taught that our whole Christian life. It can’t be because it was salvation for the Jews at one time. It is the system of religion. The system that continues to trumpet all you have to be is a believer, confessor and attender but that is not true. Jesus gave His life so we could be His bride. A bride is a lover. Period.

Jesus invites us into deep intimacy with Him - not just knowledge about Him, but experiential knowing (like Adam knew Eve and they bore a child). Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches in John 15 to illustrate this close connection. David, in Psalm 63, expresses a soul-deep thirst for Yahweh’s presence. Today, let’s focus on cultivating this kind of intimacy with Jesus. Instead of just studying or thinking about Him, practice being aware of His presence throughout your day. Speak to Him as you would a close friend. Listen for His voice in the quiet moments. Ask Him to draw you into His "bedchamber" - a place of deep, transformative intimacy with Him

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From Brokenness to Wholeness

“The mighty Spirit of Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted, to tell captives, “You are free,” and to tell prisoners, “Be free from your darkness.” I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace and a time of God’s recompense on his enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion—to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness. Because of this, they will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory.” Isaiah 61

Jesus specializes in taking our brokenness and transforming it into beauty. Isaiah speaks of trading ashes for beauty, mourning for joy. This isn't just about feeling better; it's about a deep, transformative work in our hearts. Consider the areas where you feel broken or ashamed. Now imagine Jesus looking at those very areas with eyes of love, seeing potential where you see only pain and disappointment. He's not interested in your resume or your accomplishments; He's after your heart.

Today, practice "laying it all down" at His feet. What would it look like to surrender your pain, your past, and your perceptions to Him? Ask for the courage to let Him heal every crack and remove every unwanted fingerprint on your heart.

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Embracing Yahweh’s Unconditional Love

If you were not in the room yesterday at The Wilderness Place it is important to hear the declaration of the love of Abba for us, His beloved. We have set this year to be all about Just Jesus and this is what it looks like. A marriage with Him. We have left behind religious duty and are pursuing a love affair. It starts with receiving the truth of His love for us. The Holy Spirit made a beautiful declaration of His love through Pastor Tim in the beginning of the service.

He's Emmanuel. He is the Lord with you always. I thank you, Lord, for the flame of the love affair, the romance. A love that does away with all fear. A love that destroys all insecurity. A love that heals all brokenness. A love that leaves no doubt about how he feels about you. A love that can be trusted. A love that is true. A love that honors what is sacred. A love that is pure from a pure light with no motives, unconditional love. A love that picks you every time. A love that's not interested in your resume. A love that is only interested in your heart being healed, being whole, being true.

Today, we focus on Yahweh’s overwhelming, unconditional love for us. In Song of Solomon, we see a beautiful picture of intimate, passionate love - a reflection of how God feels about you. You hear us speak a lot about being "smothered with kisses,” this is our beloved Jesus drawing us into the chambers of His love. This isn't just poetic language; it's a glimpse into the heart of Yahweh for you. He doesn't see you as "dark and sinful," but as radiantly beautiful. Pastor Tim made mention how we tend to see our righteousness as dirty rags that we try to hold on to but as His beloved we made the exchange and now have His righteousness. He does not see you as dark and sinful. Here is a beautiful letter between the Shulamite, who represents us, his beloved and the Shepherd-King, who is Jesus. Put yourself in this conversation with Jesus. Song of Solomon 1:2-9

The Shulamite- Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—over and over poured out. For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.” No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness I know I am so unworthy—so in need.

The Shepherd-King- Yet you are so lovely!

The Shulamite - I feel as dark and dry as the desert tents of the wandering nomads.

The Shepherd-King - Yet you are so lovely—like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the Holy Place.

The Shulamite to Her Friends - Please don’t stare in scorn because of my dark and sinful ways. My angry brothers quarreled with me and appointed me guardian of their ministry vineyards, yet I’ve not tended my vineyard within. Won’t you tell me, lover of my soul, where do you feed your flock? Where do you lead your beloved ones to rest in the heat of the day? Why should I be like a veiled woman as I wander among the flocks of your shepherds?

The Shepherd-King - Listen, my radiant one—if you ever lose sight of me, just follow in my footsteps where I lead my lovers. Come with your burdens and cares. Come to the place near the sanctuary of my shepherds. My dearest one, let me tell you how I see you—you are so thrilling to me. To gaze upon you is like looking at one of Pharaoh’s finest horses —a strong, regal steed pulling his royal chariot.

Let’s take some time today and think about how you see yourself or how you think Yahweh sees you.

Are you willing to let Yahweh love you ferociously today? Ask Him to help you see yourself through His eyes of unconditional love.

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Just Jesus

We as a Kingdom family studied Gideon’s story a lot last year in reference to being honest with Yahweh about where we are in our hearts and lives. Pastor Tim continued the story for what is a very important aspect for our walk into the new year. The year of new beginnings. In Judges 6, we know Yahweh himself showed up to Gideon after he was honest with how he seen things and what he believed about himself. Let’s see what instructions Yahweh gave him.

Gideon's first act of obedience was to tear down his father's altar to Baal. Gideon was scared because he knew how important this belief was to his father. Yahweh spoke to who Gideon is in His eyes, not who he seen hiding in the press. Similarly, we're called to examine our lives and tear down any "idols" we've erected - even those we've decorated with Christian language. These might be religious traditions, personal preferences, or cultural Christianity that have taken the place of authentic intimacy with Jesus. These idols can even be how we see ourselves outside of beloved identity.

Let’s do some honest self-examination. What aspects of your faith are truly about Jesus, and what parts are more about personal comfort or what has been passed down? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where you've substituted religious activity for genuine intimacy with Him.

We’re making Him our sole focus and obsession. Take time today to sit quietly in God's presence. Ask Him to reveal any "idols" in your life - even good things that may have taken precedence over your relationship with Him. Commit to tearing down these idols and returning to your first love, Jesus.

Remember, God meets us where we are, but He loves us too much to leave us there. As you identify and begin to dismantle these idols, trust that God is faithful to rebuild your faith on the true foundation - Just Jesus.

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Seeing Him Right

Our perception of Yahweh shapes everything about our faith and how we live it out. Pastor Tim highlighted how we often view Yahweh through our own lens of darkness rather than seeing Him as He truly is - pure light. Oftentimes we view scripture through the lens that was passed down to us. Like the verse Pastor Tim shared with us about heaping coals on our enemy’s head. (Proverbs 25) We’ve been told and understood this scripture to mean if we are nice to our enemy then God would burn them up with condemnation and make them pay on our behalf. We have seen this wrong all along. We were told it meant one thing but in light of the truth of 1 John, through the lens of beloved identity we see it right.

John declares that in Yahweh there is no darkness at all. This means that every attribute of Yahweh - His justice, His discipline, even His anger - stems from His perfect love and goodness.

We don’t talk a lot about the anger of Yahweh. We often hear people talk about how the wrath of God will come down on certain people. This is the same thinking about heaping coals on people’s head. We are viewing these scriptures with threads of darkness. The wrath of God is him coming after wrong thought patterns that interfere with His love for us and how we see Him. He does this for even our enemies.

“This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it’s still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him. If we claim that we share life with him, but keep walking in the realm of darkness, we’re fooling ourselves and not living the truth. But if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin.” 1 John 1:5-7

Today, examine your view of Yahweh. Are there areas where you've attributed darkness to Him? Perhaps you've seen His discipline as punishment rather than loving correction. Or maybe you've interpreted challenging circumstances as Him being against you rather than working for your good. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight any misconceptions you have about Yahweh’s character. We have to see Him right in order to walk daily in His light. This is what brings about unbroken fellowship with each other, which is very important for our purpose here. On earth as it is in heaven. As beloved children of Yahweh, when we are bound together as Kingdom family, we are a force to be reckon with to conquer the world with His love and mercy.

Meditate on the truth that He is pure light, and allow this reality to transform how you relate to Him and others!

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Stretch Out Your Tent Pegs!

“Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities.” Isaiah 54:2

Our walk with Abba this year will look a lot different because we are putting faith with everything we hear. We have been reading this scripture in Isaiah, and it gives us instructions for the coming year. Increase is coming and we must be ready. When we apply belief to “increase is coming” we take action. How? First, what would you like to see happen this year in your personal life? Maybe it’s restored relationships, physical healing of your body or you want to be healthier and stronger, you’ve dreamed of launching your own business with the creative ideas Abba has given you, you have a song in your heart to sing, a book to write, whatever is stirring in your heart it is time for action steps. Hold nothing back!

Abba is telling us increase is coming but we have our part to do. It starts with belief. Take some time to pause in His presence. Stir up the gift on the inside of you. 2 Timothy 1:6, fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift Yahweh imparted to you.” This literally means to excite the gift or awake the gift. Allow the Holy Spirit to awaken the gift on the inside of you. Ask Him what are the next steps. Make a plan. No one adds to their dwelling without a plan. As you make steps in faith, he will continue to show you as it unfolds.

This isn’t just about us right now. It is about legacy. Generations to come will be affected by our choices and actions we take today. Isaiah says our children will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities. This is what we are handing them when we take steps now. We are learning there is no limits on the drinking (our belief) in the Kingdom. Think about this: the Kingdom of Jesus lacks nothing. Everything is available to us right now. Jesus said, “on earth as it is in Heaven” which means we can have everything that is in heaven on earth right now. One thing is required. Faith.

What will you put a demand on the Kingdom for this week? This month? This year?

If there is any lack in any area of your life it is time to stretch out your tent pegs and spare nothing! Take steps with faith.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

I Am the Poetry of Jesus

Our family at The Wilderness Place is making a declaration to be people who waste nothing. This means whatever we hear from Jesus we are attaching faith to it. Yesterday, we talked about Jesus being the bread of life. When we eat from his table, we will not be hungry, but we also have to drink. The drinking is applying faith to what we hear.

“Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life!” James 1:22

In other words, be a doer of what Jesus is saying. I love the example from the TPT above, become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life. If you have ever been to a play at a theater, you can see this displayed beautifully. Most plays are from poetry written long ago. The people study the words and live them out on stage. This is exactly what our lives should be. Studying the words of Jesus, listening for His voice and direction, and believing what He says. When we believe and put faith to what he says our lives will be a display of His truth.

Belief is proven by what you do with what you hear. When you read the accounts of Jesus and what He did while physically here it is intended to spark belief for what is possible for today. What are some of the accounts of Jesus?

Healing- he healed a lot of people physically, emotionally, and mentally. He brought deliverance to people who were tormented.

Resurrection power- he raised people from the dead, even before his own resurrection. We can believe for people to be physically resurrected today.

Peace- he brought peace to storms by speaking to them. Yes, physical storms he spoke to but also, we can speak peace to turmoil happening on the inside of others and ourselves.

Provisions- he fed lots of people with very little. He caused the fisherman to catch a multitude of fish in one cast of the net. We can help ourselves and others yes, with resources but the provision of wisdom is so needed.

Jesus says in John 14:12, “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me will do the same mighty miracles that I do- even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father.”

Do you believe this to be true? All of us know the right answer. Yes, of course, I believe what Jesus says. We just are not doing what He says. Look at that scripture again. He says this is “timeless truth” which means this will never not be true. The person who “follows in faith” and “believes” will do greater miracles than Jesus. So, all the accounts listed above we should be walking out in our daily lives if we believe.

What are you doing with what you hear? Make a commitment today to step out in what you believe and have seen Jesus do. When you step out things change.

Abba, we want to be people who waste nothing. Your beloved children who hear your voice and respond to what we see and hear around us daily. We ask for wisdom in how to step out in faith. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and makes available the wisdom we need to glorify you. Help us to lay down unbelief and remove the scales from our eyes that came by way of a standard set by the church for the last several decades. We want what you gave your life for. We want to glorify you and display your greatness in the earth. This is why we are here.

Abba, what is my next step in becoming who you created me to be? Remember, He meets us right where we are.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Are You Drinking Jesus?

“Jesus said to them, “I am the Bread of Life. Come every day to me and you will never be hungry. Believe in me and you will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Every word Jesus speaks has purpose. How he says it and in what order is all purposefully spoken. He says, ‘I am the Bread of Life.” What do you do with bread? Well, you eat it. As lovers of Jesus coming to him every day through the reading of scriptures, prayer, Sunday services and Tuesday night we are essentially pulling up to the table to eat of Jesus and His truths. He says we will never be hungry as long as we are eating of Him.

But, why bread? Why would Jesus refer to Himself as bread? Back in the biblical days and even today when someone gives you a gift of bread it is a gesture of care. Bread represents nourishment, sustenance, and hope for a prosperous life. It is a symbol of generosity and sharing. When we break bread with someone, essentially have dinner with them you form a bond of connection. It makes sense of why Jesus refers to Himself as bread. There is no one I can think of better than Jesus to be this life-giving substance. He brings nourishment to our souls and hope for a prosperous life. He is the symbol of generosity. He gave his life for you and me. He is the ultimate gift. As we partake of Him daily, we should not be hungry for anything else. Just Jesus! He really does satisfy our hunger pangs.

As the body of Christ, we are eating a lot. Churches all across the States are mostly full every Sunday. Bible apps are open often and we are eating His word. We are streaming on average 20+ hours of worship per week.

WE ARE EATING! So why are things not changing? We cannot just eat without drinking of Him too.

Jesus says, those who come to Me will never be hungry but those who believe in Me will never be thirsty. In order to not be thirsty, you must drink. Jesus is saying belief is equivalent to drinking. We must have faith in Jesus and in what He says is possible. Most all people say they believe in Jesus. I would dare say the majority of people do believe he came as a child; he died on the cross and was resurrected. We just don’t believe in all the miracles and words he said in between, otherwise our lives would display what He says we can offer the world as lovers of Jesus. We are here for a purpose. Earth is not a waiting room for eternity in heaven. We are alive with the Spirit of Jesus dwelling on the inside of us. We have resurrection power flowing through us or at least wants to flow through us. This is where the drinking of His blood comes in. We must believe we have this power and He’s given us all authority to display this power on earth. We are here to glorify Him to those around us.

Let’s look at the woman at the well. She knew all about where to worship and knew enough about God to know there was a Messiah coming but her life didn’t represent the Kingdom at all. She had the knowledge of church and truth but was hiding from others due to shame. She was eating but not drinking. When Jesus told her of his water, and she BELIEVED her life was never the same. She not only believed in what he said to her that day she took action in her belief. Church history shows this woman as St Photina, which means enlightened one. She led many to Jesus. Risked her life and her children to represent Jesus well. At the well that day she drank and was never thirsty again.

We must believe not just in who Jesus is and what He did but who He says we are. What a gift to be able to make this life all about Jesus and offer others bread and drink through our lives lived out for Him. What steps are you taking this year to drink more of Jesus?

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Happy New Year!

There is a holy stirring taking place in our hearts for this year. 2025 means new beginnings and we are anticipating with joyful expectation for what Abba will do in this family in the wilderness! We want to share the prayer declaration from this past Sunday as we enter the new year.

Abba, we ask you to show us how to be people who put action to what we say we believe. We want to be people who aren’t eating just to be eating but eat in a way that is nutritional to our bodies. We want it to change things in us. (John 6:35) We want to feed from your truth and see it produce fruit in our lives, our families, businesses, and our daily walk in the crowds. Let us not miss you in the crowds.

We’re asking you to make us ready for the obscure things you want to speak to us. The obscure things you want to do through us - help us see you how you really are. We will no longer keep you in the box that has been built around you through the eyes of American Christianity. May we see the most powerful, most loving, most incredible Father Jesus came to reveal. Give us ears to hear your whispers throughout the day so we may display your glory on the earth. May we be the people you have called us to be. We want to host you well. Our hearts desire is to live for one thing - to encounter your glory!

On Earth as it is in Heaven!

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Merry Christmas!

Reminder we will not send out any Walks for the next two weeks. We encourage you to take a walk in remembrance with the Lord over this past year. What has he been speaking to you? Where are you in your obedience to His voice? Spend time with Jesus over this holiday focusing on Him. He loves you! He came to earth for you.

Merry Christmas to you and your family from The Wilderness Place.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Quench or Ignite?

It’s crazy to think you have to give Jesus, the Anointed One, Lord of Lord, and King of Kings permission to do something. When Jesus is Lord over your life, He has permission to direct your steps. Did you know you can quench the Holy Spirit? We know this is possible because in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, it says, “Do not quench the Spirit.” What does this even mean? Quench means to suppress, stifle, hinder or restrain the Spirit from moving through you. For example, you know He wants you to pray for someone but you’re nervous and you don’t do it. He has given you a word of encouragement for someone, but you just aren’t sure if they will receive it. He desires to move through us. We are the light of the world - a city set on a hill. It is the Holy Spirit in us that makes us shine. We are to shine His presence and power to those around us.

Pastor Tim shared a moment in service Sunday of this very thing happening to him last week. He was leaving the church and heard the Holy Spirit tell him to go to a certain store that he does not typically shop. He kind of passed it off at first because it was next to another stop, he was making. As he was checking out there was a lady standing there who recognized him as a pastor. They exchanged conversation and when he left the store, he realized Abba had directed his steps just to show this young lady how much Jesus loves her. This young lady was in the service Sunday and Pastor Tim was able to say to her, Abba moved heaven and earth to let you know He sees you and He loves you. What a powerful moment it was in the room. What if Pastor Tim thought no, I will just go where I usually go. I am familiar with that store. I can get in and out. He would have quenched the Holy Spirit, and this young lady would have missed the encounter with Jesus. We must slow down and be in tune with His voice so He can show others how much they are loved by Him.

We must surrender to His Lordship. At The Wilderness Place we have been in 2 Corinthians 3:16-17 all year. This verse had revealed some truth, and we have experienced freedom from things that have held us back from being all He designed us to be. “But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted, and they see. Now the Lord I’m referring to is the Holy Spirit, and wherever he is Lord, there is freedom.”

There is freedom! This isn’t just all about you and I being free from sin and bondage and wrong thinking. This is freedom to do his will. Freedom to be led by him. We can go where he directs us to go. We can give like he wants us to give. Pray like he says pray. Love like he says love. This intimate relationship with Jesus has to reproduce fruit in the earth. So many fail to see the beauty of complete surrender. The focus is on what we don’t get to do if we surrender instead of the focus being on Him. Our appetites matter so much. We must keep coming to His table, eating His food and drinking from His fountain. This is what changes us into who He designed. The image of Jesus displayed on the earth.

You are significant and there is so much more in you than you know right now. Surrender to Him to reveal the promises, power and hope in you! The world is waiting in anticipation for the revealing of Jesus through His beloved children.

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

You Get to Choose!

At what point did you stop believing Yahweh’s promises? Are not His promises yes and amen? The delay in seeing His promises come to fruition is on us, not Him. We blame Him for lack of miracles and presence by saying He’s sovereign. When He’s ready he’ll do it. The thought of this belief rattles me. Obviously, He is sovereign, but He designed this relationship to work together with us. The real question you must ask yourself- do you want a regular Sunday morning relationship, or do you want the Kingdom of Yahweh relationship? They are not the same.

Regular Sunday morning looks like this- you dress up, show up and nothing in your life really ever changes except you adopt a mask the church handed you at the door your first Sunday. Why a mask? It is for hiding and pretending. There is no freedom in participating in something Jesus never told us to do. When you read the teachings of Jesus, He never gave instructions for us to label ourselves with titles such as Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist, etc. Etc., etc., because there is a lot. The saddest thing about this is the American church is the most segregated group of people. This is not the heart of Jesus. You can never truly be who He designed you to be if you put this coat of religion on. We are so thankful it is not and never will be like that at The Wilderness Place.

The Kingdom of Yahweh is where you and your family come to encounter His presence. You get to be honest about where you are and what you have done. You’ll never have to fear rejection from Him or a Kingdom family. This Kingdom operates on honesty. Yahweh shows up and transforms your life when you are honest. How do we know? Let’s look at the story of Gideon. “Yahweh’s Angel suddenly appeared to Gideon and said, “Yahweh’s presence goes with you, man of fearless courage!” “Me?” Gideon replied. “But sir, if Yahweh is truly with us, why have all these troubles come to us? Where are all his miracle-wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, ‘Did not Yahweh deliver us out of Egypt?’ But now Yahweh has abandoned us and put us under the power of the Midianites.” Then Yahweh himself faced Gideon directly and said, “Am I not sending you? With my presence you have all you need. Go in the strength that you now have and rescue Israel from Midian’s power!” Judges 6

Yahweh sends His angel first to speak with Gideon but when Gideon is honest, real and raw it says, “then Yahweh himself faced Gideon.” We can no longer afford to hide behind the masks. We must give Jesus his due reward for laying his life down. As we learn to surrender every area of our lives to Him, we begin to see transformation in us first, then our families, and our cities. Just like Gideon, Yahweh will send us with His presence, and we will have all we need.

Jesus said in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” Why are we not seeing greater works than Jesus? We stopped believing it is possible. Jesus raised people from the dead. He delivered people from demonic oppression. Oh yes, we pray for the sick from a distance, but we have come into agreement with oppression. Like anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, and so many more. I am not saying these things don’t exist, they do but we stopped believing the Kingdom can change it. We stopped demanding on earth as it is in heaven. This is what Jesus said we can have. Why are we not seeing it? Did He lie, absolutely not! We stopped believing and began to agree with darkness. There is no anxiety or depression or sickness of any kind in heaven. We want the promises He paid for. Therefore, we must begin to agree with the Kingdom of Yahweh.

We are so thankful for the leadership and example of Pastor Tim at The Wilderness Place. His passion for Jesus is contagious, awkward, beautiful and provoking. All the things Jesus was to those when He walked the earth. The truths we are being taught is life changing if you will lean into it. Understand these truths are an invitation for you to RSVP to the dinner table of the Lord. You are being invited to a banquet to taste and see that the Lord is Good!

Will you accept the invitation to a transformed life for generations to come?

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The Wilderness Place The Wilderness Place

Loving Him Empowers Me

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever. John 14:15-16 NKJV

Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. John 14:23 NKJV

IF you love Me- you will obey My commandments. This version of scripture communicates if you aren’t obeying everything Jesus commands you don’t love Him. We have all had many moments where we think, I do love Him but man, why do I keep messing up? Then this cycle starts again. Where we ask Him to HELP us but then we lean on our own ability to try to obey again. Only to fail once more.

In verse 23 it reads if we love Jesus and obey then the Father will love us, and they will come and make their home in us. This seems like fools’ gold because none of us can keep his commandments or obey His word on our own accord. Therefore, it tells us He can’t and won’t love us if we can’t obey. It seems hopeless with this belief. The way this has been taught for so many decades has really hurt a lot of people. This type of message is why we have seen so many come into the church to give their lives to Jesus and really try to do what they think is right. They really do try but seem to keep falling short of obedience. After so many times of failing they begin to believe the lies of you can’t do this. He’s disappointed in you again. He’s angry with you because you messed up again. They leave feeling defeated and unloved. We as the church have to look at how things have been taught and be willing to say we got some things wrong.

Now let’s look at how it is really meant to be taught by looking at The Passion Translation. If you don’t know, this translation is written by studying the original language of the day and translating the words to its true meaning.

“Loving me empowers you to obey my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me—and he will never leave you.”

“Jesus replied, “Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we will come to you and make you our dwelling place.”

Jesus is actually teaching us falling in love with Him will empower us to obey. What is my part and your part? We keep coming back to learn to love Him. We keep beholding Him. Keep worshiping Him. Keep pouring the oil on His feet. You must know that when you mess up the first place you run is to His arms. Never run away from Him. Pastor Tim asked a powerful question on Sunday. “What if the thing that is holding you captive is based on how well you let Him love you?”

We must see Him right. We must allow Him to challenge the way we have thought about Him. He says plainly in these verses. He empowers us to obey. Falling in love with Him brings power to our innermost being. How? He sends the Holy Spirit of Truth who will never leave us. He is the same power who raised Jesus from the dead, and He lives in us. Jesus continues to tell us in verse 23, loving me empowers you. He also tells us the Father loves us so deeply that He makes His dwelling place in us. All we have to do is love Him.

Let’s talk about this love affair with Jesus. Think of it this way. Meeting someone new feels exciting. You notice qualities you like, and you spend time together, talking often. As you spend time talking, your feelings grow stronger, and trust builds. You open your heart, allowing love to grow on both sides. You learn more about each other and commit to a lifelong covenant. There will be disappointments and mistakes, but instead of running away, you choose to face challenges together. Your love continues to grow making the two of you a force to be reckoned with.

This is the progression of our relationship with Jesus. The more we spend time with Him talking, listening and facing challenges together you will love Him more and more. As we grow in our love for Him, we are empowered to be who He created us to be. The bright shining light of His goodness.

Every day you surrender that day to Him. The more you behold His goodness the more in love you become and the empowered you are to obey. This walk with Him is not a race. We don’t have to be in a hurry.

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