His Loving Care

“The words I have spoken over you have already cleansed you. So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. John 15:3-4

Jesus invites us to "abide" or remain in His love. This isn't a passive state, but an active choice to stay connected to Him, like a branch to a vine. Abide signifies to await, lodge, dwell and endure. Remember yesterday we discussed allowing His love to perfect us in the day of crisis? We must await in His love to see the fruit of perfect love displayed in our lives.

As you read this passage, consider what it means to abide in Christ's love practically. Are you allowing His love to flow through you to others? Are there areas where you need "pruning" to bear more fruit? Remember, pruning comes when things happen, we don’t like or agree with, and it causes us to react instead of responding in love. Anytime there is a reaction outside of the character of Christ He is trying to reveal something in our hearts He wants to prune. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remain deeply rooted in Christ's love, and to empower you to love others with the same selfless love Christ has shown you.

Abba is inviting us to 'arise' and move to a 'higher place' in our spiritual journey, what fears or hesitations do you face in responding? I encourage you to write a letter to Abba today expressing these fears and allow Him to prune as you await in His loving care.


The Rose of Sharon


Perfect Love Cast Out Fear