How Salty are You?

“Your lives are like salt among the people. But if you, like salt, become bland, how can your ‘saltiness’ be restored? Flavorless salt is good for nothing and will be thrown out and trampled on by others. Your lives light up the world. For how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light. So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5

We finish out our week by considering how our intimate relationship with Jesus should impact how we live in the world. Pastor Tim mentioned Sunday that the world is waiting for "lovers" - not just believers or confessors, but those who have been so transformed by Yahweh's love that they radiate it to others.

Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world. Our lives should have a distinctive flavor and illuminate the darkness around us. In the Greek and Aramaic, the flavorless salt is considered foolish, so that means salt that keeps its flavor is wise. So salt is equal to wisdom. The Passion Translation foot notes tell us it was common practice in Jesus’ day for them to put salt on the wick of a lamp to increase its brightness. We must seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit each day so our love for others shines brighter.

James reminds us that true faith isn't just about hearing God's word but putting it into practice.

Reflect on how your relationship with Jesus influences your daily life and interactions. Are there areas where you've been content with just believing or confessing, without allowing His love to truly transform you? How can you more fully realize Yahweh's love in your relationships, work, and community?

Today, look for practical ways to be "salt and light." This might involve showing kindness to a difficult person, speaking words of encouragement, or taking action to address a need you see. Ask Jesus to help you love others as He has loved you, and to give you opportunities to share His love in tangible ways.


Perfect Love Cast Out Fear


To The Wedding Of…