To The Wedding Of…

“Your tender cheeks are beautiful —your earrings and gem-laden necklaces set them ablaze. We will enhance your beauty, with golden ornaments studded with silver” Song of Solomon 1:10-11

As we embark on this beautiful journey in Song of Solomon, we must prepare our hearts to receive affectionate words of affirmation from our Bridegroom, Jesus. Allow Him to speak tenderly to your heart and choose to receive His vision of you. Let’s dive into the verses above. In The Passion Translation we can read some details of what the original language meant by these words. First, your tender cheeks are beautiful. Cheeks represent your emotions that is revealed by your countenance. Jesus can see past our scrunchy face to who we really are. We are alive and pleasing to Him. Have you ever heard the expression inform your face? Our face gives way to how we are feeling. Jesus is speaking to the you that He has made alive. Oftentimes, we let situations dictate our feelings instead of living in His love at all times. Most of the time those situations are not a big deal in light of His love and our intimacy with Him.

“Your earrings and gem-laden necklaces,” this points us to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What is on the inside is much more important that outward appearances. I Peter 3 says, “Let your true beauty come from your inner personality, not a focus on the external. For lasting beauty comes from a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is precious in God’s sight and is much more important than the outward adornment of elaborate hair, jewelry, and fine clothes.” This inner personality comes from an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Pastor Tim gave us an incredible illustration on Sunday concerning verse 11. “We will enhance your beauty.” We are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the word perichoresis. It is the Greek word for rotation. Perichoresis means "going around" or "rotation" and describes the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Their love for us places us right in the middle being loved perfectly every time. They are making us holy and radiant. You hear us call it the circle dance.

Gold always points us to the divine and silver always points to redemption. He spares no expense to be with us. As a bride we must stop leaving our Groom at the altar. There is nothing more valuable or more important than an intimate relationship with Jesus. Like Pastor Tim said Sunday we are being invited to the circle dance of perfect love, loving us perfectly. Will you accept the invitation?


How Salty are You?


A Bride is a Lover. Period.