Just Jesus
We as a Kingdom family studied Gideon’s story a lot last year in reference to being honest with Yahweh about where we are in our hearts and lives. Pastor Tim continued the story for what is a very important aspect for our walk into the new year. The year of new beginnings. In Judges 6, we know Yahweh himself showed up to Gideon after he was honest with how he seen things and what he believed about himself. Let’s see what instructions Yahweh gave him.
Gideon's first act of obedience was to tear down his father's altar to Baal. Gideon was scared because he knew how important this belief was to his father. Yahweh spoke to who Gideon is in His eyes, not who he seen hiding in the press. Similarly, we're called to examine our lives and tear down any "idols" we've erected - even those we've decorated with Christian language. These might be religious traditions, personal preferences, or cultural Christianity that have taken the place of authentic intimacy with Jesus. These idols can even be how we see ourselves outside of beloved identity.
Let’s do some honest self-examination. What aspects of your faith are truly about Jesus, and what parts are more about personal comfort or what has been passed down? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where you've substituted religious activity for genuine intimacy with Him.
We’re making Him our sole focus and obsession. Take time today to sit quietly in God's presence. Ask Him to reveal any "idols" in your life - even good things that may have taken precedence over your relationship with Him. Commit to tearing down these idols and returning to your first love, Jesus.
Remember, God meets us where we are, but He loves us too much to leave us there. As you identify and begin to dismantle these idols, trust that God is faithful to rebuild your faith on the true foundation - Just Jesus.