Embracing Yahweh’s Unconditional Love

If you were not in the room yesterday at The Wilderness Place it is important to hear the declaration of the love of Abba for us, His beloved. We have set this year to be all about Just Jesus and this is what it looks like. A marriage with Him. We have left behind religious duty and are pursuing a love affair. It starts with receiving the truth of His love for us. The Holy Spirit made a beautiful declaration of His love through Pastor Tim in the beginning of the service.

He's Emmanuel. He is the Lord with you always. I thank you, Lord, for the flame of the love affair, the romance. A love that does away with all fear. A love that destroys all insecurity. A love that heals all brokenness. A love that leaves no doubt about how he feels about you. A love that can be trusted. A love that is true. A love that honors what is sacred. A love that is pure from a pure light with no motives, unconditional love. A love that picks you every time. A love that's not interested in your resume. A love that is only interested in your heart being healed, being whole, being true.

Today, we focus on Yahweh’s overwhelming, unconditional love for us. In Song of Solomon, we see a beautiful picture of intimate, passionate love - a reflection of how God feels about you. You hear us speak a lot about being "smothered with kisses,” this is our beloved Jesus drawing us into the chambers of His love. This isn't just poetic language; it's a glimpse into the heart of Yahweh for you. He doesn't see you as "dark and sinful," but as radiantly beautiful. Pastor Tim made mention how we tend to see our righteousness as dirty rags that we try to hold on to but as His beloved we made the exchange and now have His righteousness. He does not see you as dark and sinful. Here is a beautiful letter between the Shulamite, who represents us, his beloved and the Shepherd-King, who is Jesus. Put yourself in this conversation with Jesus. Song of Solomon 1:2-9

The Shulamite- Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—over and over poured out. For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.” No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness I know I am so unworthy—so in need.

The Shepherd-King- Yet you are so lovely!

The Shulamite - I feel as dark and dry as the desert tents of the wandering nomads.

The Shepherd-King - Yet you are so lovely—like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the Holy Place.

The Shulamite to Her Friends - Please don’t stare in scorn because of my dark and sinful ways. My angry brothers quarreled with me and appointed me guardian of their ministry vineyards, yet I’ve not tended my vineyard within. Won’t you tell me, lover of my soul, where do you feed your flock? Where do you lead your beloved ones to rest in the heat of the day? Why should I be like a veiled woman as I wander among the flocks of your shepherds?

The Shepherd-King - Listen, my radiant one—if you ever lose sight of me, just follow in my footsteps where I lead my lovers. Come with your burdens and cares. Come to the place near the sanctuary of my shepherds. My dearest one, let me tell you how I see you—you are so thrilling to me. To gaze upon you is like looking at one of Pharaoh’s finest horses —a strong, regal steed pulling his royal chariot.

Let’s take some time today and think about how you see yourself or how you think Yahweh sees you.

Are you willing to let Yahweh love you ferociously today? Ask Him to help you see yourself through His eyes of unconditional love.


From Brokenness to Wholeness


Just Jesus