The Ladder

Our relationship with Jesus is not about our eternal destination. It is about transformation. The Resurrected Life. Our kingdom family has been on a journey for a while now to discover the real Jesus shown in the scriptures. We are discovering how to walk in our day-to-day life with the Holy Spirit. Don’t you know when you are hungry for His voice and truth He will give it to you. Abba gave our family a visual picture a while back concerning our relationship and walk with Him. He showed Pastor Tim a ladder with three words. Intimacy, honor and order. Think about a ladder and how you use it. If one part of the ladder is missing, can you use it? Another words, if either side was gone would it work? No, it would not. The ladder looks like this. Intimacy on one side, honor on the other and order on each rung.

We have talked a lot about intimacy with Jesus. Intimacy is making a decision to remain in close union with Him every day. We’ve talked about honoring Jesus. Honor is holding one in high regard. When we honor Jesus’ words and His presence, you are saying this is important to me and my family. We haven’t talked a lot about order until now. This order pertains to Jesus directing our lives. Proverbs 16 says, “Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.” Do you allow Jesus to direct your steps? He is a gentleman. Which means He will tell you and guide you, but it is your choice if you follow.

Understand, this ladder is Jesus. Every step you take up the ladder will require, it demands an increase in intimacy, honor and order. When climbing a ladder, you never run up a ladder. You take your time. This increase Jesus is inviting us to will take time. He loves the process of seeing you become who He designed you to be. This may sometimes look like two steps up then one step back down. Let Him lead you. You have a part, and He has a part in this resurrected life. As we go on a journey this week in understanding our part, allow Him to continue to make your heart tender in areas He wants to speak to. I promise you this, it will be practical things in your life. He shows up where we are in our day to day. Ask Him this question today: What do you want to reorder in my life?

Here is the visual of the ladder. Each step up requires more on our part but our more will never outweigh the more He pours out in our lives as we go deeper in our union with Him.


Your Part is Possible


The Banner of Love