The Banner of Love

“He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love.” Song of Songs 2:4

His banner over you right now is LOVE! Agape love. We have all heard of Agape love but maybe you have never allowed yourself to feel this type of love. Agape love is selfless, unconditional, without reservation, accepting and embracing someone in their wholeness. Abba, our Father so loved you He chose to give His Son for you. He didn’t give Jesus so He could love you- No, He loved you first. As a parent you’d give your life for your child without hesitation. We haven’t quite grasped this wild, fascinating love He has for us, but each day as we lean in and open our hearts to Him we are becoming more fascinated with Him.

Fascinating means to attract or delight; to hold the attention of. He is fascinated with you. You hold His attention at all times. Even on the days you make mistakes His love is unconditional. If you find it hard to receive this love in every area of your life, then let today be where you surrender a bit more to Him. He wants to restore tenderness and innocence to your life. It does not matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done. His love restores like it never happened. All the years you thought were lost He is here to restore with His agape love. You have never been abandoned or forsaken. Today is a new day full of love, grace and mercy. Let Jesus love you how He wants to. October 7th is a new beginning. In the verse above, it says He brought you to the banqueting house. This means you can have as much of Him as you want. There are no limits to the drinking and eating in the Kingdom of Yahweh.

Our family here at The Wilderness Place is becoming more and more fascinated with His face, His voice and His resurrection power. Let’s lean into Him today. Engage your heart with His throughout the day. Let Him love you. Listen for His voice. What is He saying to you?


The Ladder


Burn The Boats