Your Part is Possible

Intimacy, honor and order. There is an order to the Kingdom of Yahweh that must be followed for us to see His promises come to pass in our lives. Jesus gives us a clear picture in John 11 to demonstrate how we order our lives so we can live the “life and life more abundant” and for the sake of future generations.

If you have been in church for any length of time you know the story of Lazarus, but this isn’t like anything you have heard before. Jesus received a letter from Mary and Martha saying their brother was sick and asked Jesus to come. Jesus chose to wait. Lazarus died and was in the tomb for four days when Jesus arrived.

Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. And He said, “Where have you laid him?” John 11: 33

Mary and Martha had lost hope for their brother by this time. Why would Jesus wait so long knowing they would lose hope? Because in this time period they believed when a person died the spirit hovered around the body for three days. Jesus did this to confront any doubt they may have regarding who He is. Are you in a waiting period in your life? You have asked Jesus to come and intervene, but the situation is still the same. We can lose hope for a certain area to change or be resurrected in the waiting if we are not hearing His voice or have doubt about His love for us. What dream or desire did you bury because you thought it will never happen? Jesus is asking you today, “Where did you bury it?”

“Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” John 11:38-39

Jesus asked them first, “where did you lay him?” and now he is asking them to remove the stone. He is RESURRECTION LIFE! Why would He not just speak to the stone to move? And poor Martha thinks she needs to tell Jesus how bad the stink will be. Does she not think He knows the severity of the situation?

Oh, are we not Martha a lot of the times. We bring our stinky situations to Jesus and begin to tell Him how terrible the stench is because obviously He doesn’t know, or we wouldn’t still be in it. How many conversations have you had with Jesus saying, “Lord, this stinks.” This definitely does not look like the life more abundant you promised. Jesus, do something about this?

“He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.” John 11

Jesus full of resurrection power calls Lazarus out of the grave. Life returns to his body, and he walks out of the grave with graveclothes on, and his face was covered. What did Jesus say to the people there? Loose him and let him go. In other words, you remove what is still holding on to him.

Three things we saw here. Jesus asked where he had been buried. Do you really think He didn’t know? Jesus asked them to roll away the stone. Umm, we are talking all powerful Jesus. The One who can speak, and creation is formed. He then asked them to unwrap what was still holding Lazarus. Could He not have caused the clothes to just fall off of Lazarus? Absolutely, He could have done all of this. Remember in yesterday’s walk we talked about us having a part in this union with Jesus?

Jesus is the God of Impossibilities. He loves to do the impossible things in our lives but just like in this story we have a part to do as well. We have the responsibility to do the possible things. Take a few minutes and think about what is going on in your life. What have you been asking Him to change? Is it relationships in your life? What is possible for you to do to see these relationships restored? Maybe a call or text to the person. Is it a spouse you have prayed for so long you have lost hope of things ever changing. If you are hopeless about your spouse, they know it. They have given up on themselves just as you have. Ask the Holy Spirit how you can restore hope back into this situation and be a light of love for them.

Is it your health? There are many things we can do for ourselves to improve our health. We do the possible and Jesus does the impossible. You have to start somewhere, even if it’s baby steps. The first step is learning to love yourself again. When we love someone, we’ll do anything for them.

Your children? Our children must see us fully alive and making Jesus the center of our lives if we ever want them to walk in life more abundant. They can be free of fear, doubt, insecurities and anxiety. It starts with us. The atmosphere in your home and how you walk through trials will be a catalyst for your children. Good or Bad.

Your finances? Take a hard look at them. What can you eliminate? How can you give more? The principal of giving applies to every single human being. People who do not follow Jesus but are big givers always has things coming to them in abundance. Why, because the principal of giving established in the Kingdom applies to everyone. He loves a cheerful giver.

Whatever the area you need Jesus to do the impossible you must ask Him what your part in this journey is. He loves partnering with us. Walking hand in hand. Speaking to us. He’ll actually tell you what your part is you just have to have an ear to hear. This is intimacy, honor and now you let Him order your steps to do your part.


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