We Can’t See Until We Hear

“How do you expect to deal with praise from people if you don’t handle criticism well? The Kingdom operates differently based on how you steward what you encounter. How can you expect to handle resources or wealth if you don’t handle lack well.” Pastor Tim

“The one who faithfully manages the little he has been given will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more. If you have not handled the riches of this world with integrity, why should you be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world?” Luke 16:10

How we steward our encounters with Jesus determines how deep we go into our walk with Him. Everything is about teaching us to look more like Him. Truth is before we can be a credible testimony to others of His power and love we must have good character and integrity.

Ladies, let me speak to you a moment. “I’ll submit to my husband when he starts leading like he is supposed to.” Have you ever said that- better yet, have you thought it? Here’s the thing….it doesn’t work like that. You have to submit to your husband even if he doesn’t seem to be the spiritual one. The scripture gives us clear instructions and it is not based on the behavior of our husband. When you obey this command from the Lord you will begin to see your husband rise to lead your family.

“And out of your reverence for Christ be supportive of each other in love. For wives, this means being devoted to your husbands like you are tenderly devoted to our Lord, for the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver of the body. In the same way the church is devoted to Christ, let the wives be devoted to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5

Pastor Tim asked us a question last week and reminded us again this past Sunday. “What if the breakthrough you need or the changes you want to see is on the other side of what you don’t want to hear?” Remember Jesus wants to ask us questions to change how we think. Why is this so important? How a man thinks so goes his life.

Is the Holy Spirit asking you things about your money, marriage, health or maybe your children? Let’s talk marriage. Scripture tells us we are to put others ahead of our own wants and needs. Are you doing this in your marriage? If your spouse has a bad day and they come home to rant, how do you respond? Eye roll- get over yourself- everyone has bad days or do you respond with grace and love. “I’m sorry you had a bad day. How can I help to make it better?

Let’s talk health. Abba started talking to us about our health awhile back. To me, he would say, “how’s your health? You are approaching 50.” Wow, really, Lord? He would say - You have children to raise. How old were your parents when they passed? That seems offensive and hurtful, doesn’t it? But not if you have Kingdom thinking. These are hard questions, but I gave Him permission to ask. It caused me to look at my children and say I want to see my great grandchildren. I don’t want to die or be bedridden in my 60s and 70s. For the last 3 or 4 months we have been weight training. I see and feel the difference already. It is hard to go some days, but we have made our health a priority for the sake of our legacy. Everything about us is a reflection of Jesus to others.

Is it your finances? I will give more when I have more to give. That is not Kingdom thinking. Pastor Tim shared about the widow woman who gave more than everyone else. She did that because she valued what was in front of her and she trusted God to care for her. Give the Holy Spirit permission to speak into areas of your life so that you can witness His miracles and see what you have always longed to see. Then follow His voice in what is next. It may be to just sit and let Him love you.

“Will you hear what you don’t want to hear so you can see what you’ve always longed to see?”


Step Forward


Kingdom Thinking