Kingdom Thinking

Do you have Kingdom thinking? Let’s look at what Jesus says about the Kingdom of God. Romans 14:17 says, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of rules about food and drink, but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit, filled with righteousness, peace and joy.”

When things go haywire in your life or even the life of someone you know what is your first thought?

Let’s say you have a situation happen like a flat tire, a broken refrigerator, car trouble or something more personal like problems with your children or your marriage. How do you generally respond? “This is punishment for xyz, you reap what you sow,” these thoughts never bring solutions because you are seeing yourself and the Kingdom wrong.

Or maybe you are the one who points fingers at others. “It’s their fault we are in this situation.” It can be easier to blame others than to allow it to reveal what Abba wants to do. We have been studying John 9 where the disciples ask Jesus why the man was born blind. They assumed it was something he did wrong or sin from his parents. Jesus says- NEITHER! It happened so you could see the miracle of God.

In that story Jesus is trying to change how the disciples thought about things. He is doing the same thing in our lives right now. He is here to challenge how we think because how we deal with disappointment matters.

When you read the stories of Jesus and how he approached problems or situations you’ll never find Him say this is a lost cause or you’re too far gone for Me to help. He always approached with grace, love and a solution. Only one instance He could not help because there was a lack of honor in His hometown. When we approach our problems, we must do it in union with the Holy Spirit and honor what He is showing us. It is the only way to bring grace, love and the solution.

Let’s say the problem is with a loved one who hasn’t surrendered their heart to Jesus. When your thoughts of this person are based in the Kingdom realm you have brought grace and love to this relationship to mend it and bring this person one step closer to restoration but if you approach in your emotions, you’ve given them a wrong image of Jesus.

In order for Jesus to challenge how we think He will ask us questions we often do not want to answer. He doesn’t come to tear us down. His questions may seem offensive at first, but He knows how to get us to the place where we think like Him. He is here to build you up to see change in your family, community and city for generations to come. There is one thing you have to do first. YOU have to give Jesus permission to ask the questions and challenge how you think. He is a gentleman. He will never force you but know there is no greater way to become who He designed you to be than surrendering to His way.

“Jesus responded, “God’s kingdom does not come simply by obeying principles or waiting for signs. The kingdom is not discovered in one place or another, for God’s kingdom realm is already expanding within some of you.” Luke 17:20-21

If you need someone to pray with you, please let us know.


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