Step Forward

“Then Jesus left them and went again into the synagogue, where he encountered a man who had an atrophied, paralyzed hand. Everyone was watching Jesus closely to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath, giving them a reason to accuse him of breaking Sabbath rules. Jesus said to the man with the paralyzed hand, “Stand here in the middle of the room.” Mark 3:1-3

In the New King James Version, Jesus tells the man to step forward. See in every situation the man was always at the back of the room or crowd because he was hiding a part of himself, he didn’t want anyone to see. He was insecure, broken, and ashamed. We are not so different. There are parts of who we are we do not want anyone to see or know about.

Jesus doesn’t want you to hide in your failure or weakness. He doesn’t want the masked version of you. Jesus says, “STEP FORWARD.” He calls him out to stand in front of everyone. The TRUTH is what really brings FREEDOM. What are you hiding from people? Why are you pretending to be fine when you are not? If you are thinking of something in your life you know Jesus is shining a light on right now to expose it, LET HIM. Make room for Him to speak to you. Allow Him to expose the depths of your heart to heal you. He is not here to embarrass you. He is more concerned about the whole, authenticate you. Exposure of the heart and mind can be difficult, but His grace will be poured out in those moments of truth. You will be free of your “withered hand,” something you have longed for. You do not have to do this alone. You have a family at The Wilderness Place to walk with you through it all.

This story is found in Matthew, Mark and Luke. In Luke, we are told it is the man’s right hand. The right hand in scripture is very significant. It represents power, pleasure, approval and righteousness. A crippled right hand points to lack in all of these areas. When we do not allow Jesus to expose and heal areas in our lives, I dare say we are not in this relationship with Him for the right reasons. Religion will allow you to pretend you have a relationship with Jesus, but the Wilderness will not. As Beloved sons and daughters our lives must represent His power, His pleasure, His approval and His righteousness. These things will change your family and cause it to be in order just as the Kingdom is in order. Then we begin to see our community changed. We will see our young people come alive in the things of the Kingdom. The benefits on the other side of you STEPPING FORWARD outweighs the initial exposure.

Now is the time to finally be free of everything that has held you bound from His promises.

Please let us know how we can pray with you. Remember you are not alone in this Walk.


Faith Meets Obedience


We Can’t See Until We Hear