Am I Fascinated With You?

(5 minutes)

"Let's just stop for a moment and just step into the secret place and say, 'Lord, does my life reflect someone who is fascinated with you?'" (Pastor Tim)

We don’t have to be afraid to be vulnerable with Abba. It's these tender moments in His presence that lead us into transformation. Pastor Tim asked another powerful question on Sunday: what's left when "have to" is removed? What are we when there's no church, or no worship songs, or no preacher? What are we when it's just us and Him?

It takes courage to bring those questions to Abba and allow Him to speak to your heart. You really have to trust Abba's goodness to open up to Him in this way. This is what true intimacy is - allowing someone to peer into the deepest places of your heart. Intimacy sounds like "in to me, see." Are we opening up to Abba in intimacy? Are we letting Him smother us with kisses?

The most amazing son of all, by King Solomon.

Let him smother me with kisses - his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing--over and over poured out. For your lovely name is "Flowing Oil." No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king's cloud-filled chamber. (Song of Songs 1:1-4)

"Letting Him smother you with His kisses is the only thing that elevates the standards in your life. Fascination gets elevated by the way you let Him smother you with kisses." (Pastor Tim)

We need to be convinced of this: only letting Yahweh smother you with kisses will elevate your fascination. The only way to exit determination and enter a life of fascination is to surrender to the extravagant love of Yahweh. There's no other way, but intimacy.

Are we willing to lay down the ores of determination so we can flow into fascination? Are we willing to open ourselves up and be exposed in intimacy so Yahweh can overwhelm us with His love? Only staring in His eyes will produce the fascinated lifestyle. But determination won't stop long enough to catch a glimpse of Him.

Abba, who am I when everything else is removed? Am I fascinated with You?

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Worship: "Lean Back" by Capital City Music

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


He’s Fascinated With You


Fascinated With His Face