He’s Fascinated With You

(5 minutes)

The most amazing son of all, by King Solomon.

Let him smother me with kisses - his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing--over and over poured out. For your lovely name is "Flowing Oil." No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king's cloud-filled chamber....

Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness I know I am so unworthy - so in need. (Song of Songs 1:1-5)

"We know the right answers, we know God is good, we know He loves us and He smothers us with kisses and His caresses are good. But here's the issue: we keep staring at our brokenness. We try to convince Him how unworthy we are to be loved. This is why some of us are still hiding from His smothering kisses because we don't believe we deserve them." (Pastor Tim)

Pastor Tim went on to say that this fixation on our unworthiness is not humility. We've been taught that humility is our wallowing around in the dirt, calling ourselves unworthy and undeserving. That couldn't be farther from the Kingdom's definition of humility. "Kingdom humility is saying what the Kingdom says about you. " (Pastor Tim)

What lies are you believing about yourself that the Kingdom doesn't speak over you? That you're not creative? Not talented? Not good enough? Not smart? That you can't keep up? That you're not gifted enough? "It's not humility to confess delusional things about yourself. That's not humility. Humility is you coming into agreement with what God says. Want to know what He says?" (Pastor Tim)

The Shepherd King: Yet you are so lovely!

The Shulamite: I feel as dark and dry as the desert tents of the wandering nomads.

The Shepherd King: Yet you are so lovely--like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the Holy Place. (Song of Songs 1:5)

Yahweh calls you lovely. This is what the King and the Kingdom believe about you at all times. He does not agree with the delusional thoughts that you have about yourself. He says, "Yet, you are so lovely." We have to let His thoughts about us deal with delusional thoughts we have about ourselves. And this happens by letting Him love us the way that He wants to love us. By letting Him smother us with kisses.

"I'm sorry that someone didn't see how important you really are...but there's an Abba that does. There's an Abba that does. And you need to let Him prove to you how valuable you are, because He's willing to. For God so loved you, He gave His prized treasure, His only Son, for you." (Pastor Tim)

Where are we still feeling unworthy and undeserving of Yahweh's love? Those are the areas we need to expose to Abba in His presence so His love can deal with them. When we're in this state of unworthiness and delusional thinking, we can't really trust what we feel because our feelings have been trained to agree with things that are not true about us. We have to bring these feelings straight to Abba, not dwelling on them for a moment longer, and let Him speak His truth over us.

Can you even fathom the thought that Abba wants to spend time with you today just because He enjoys you? You and your heart are incredibly valuable to Him. He wants to shower you with His thoughts and how He sees you. He wants to overwhelm you with His love and He wants to smother you with kisses until you start to believe what He believes about you.

Beloved One, don't resist. Learning to be loved is a process. But it begins and ends with getting into the secret, intimate place with Yahweh and getting fascinated with His face, the same way that He's fascinated with yours.

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Worship: "Lean Back" by Capital City Music

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


When “Have To” Gets Removed


Am I Fascinated With You?