Fascinated With His Face

(5 minutes)

"We're still measuring our value based on what we can accomplish, not the love affair with the King. We like to point to the things that we're doing, instead of the One we're doing them for." (Pastor Tim)

Determination is fixated on measuring and keeping up and making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing, and it's always quick to see what's wrong. Determination is infatuated with doing. But fascination is fixated on a person. Fascination is staring into the eyes of Jesus and isn't concerned with measuring performance anymore, yours or anyone else's.

"Determination says, 'Am I the only one that's going to do anything around here?' Fascination can't see what other people are doing because you're so in love with the eyes of the King. Determination causes you to complain about how tired you are and how worn out you are. Fascination says, 'I could do this forever!' See, fascination gives you a fuel cell that determination will never give you. How hard is it to love something you really love?" (Pastor Tim)

Are we in love with a person or are we in love with what we can do, and how well we can keep up? These are so different. One is self-centered and transactional, and the other is King and Kingdom-centered, and relational. Are we fixated on doing, or are we fixated on loving someone? Are we a lover or a doer?

"The question is, are you fascinated with His face? Are you in a love affair or are you just working on determination and sweating yourself into what He thinks He wants from you?" (Pastor Tim)

If we take these questions into the secret place today, Abba will speak to us and we will see things changed. If we were willing to open up to Abba and ask Him if our lives are defined by fascination or determination, He would have a conversation with us that would lead us into seeing our lives transformed by His goodness. Intimacy with Yahweh is the only thing that produces a fascinated heart. Opening ourselves up to Him in the secret place is where the seed of fascination will be planted and begin to grow.

Beloved One, are you willing to sow in intimacy so you can begin to reap a fascinated life? Stop your measuring and start chasing His face.

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Worship: "Come and Behold" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Am I Fascinated With You?


Fascination Takes You Places Determination Never Will