You Need A Bath

Written by Jarred Rushing

(5 minutes)

Ruth's submission and obedience to spiritual authority empowered her to step into one of the biggest moments of her life. If you want to know the significance of coming under spiritual authority, it's right here in Ruth's story. Instead of recoiling and running back to her old life and everything she was familiar with, Ruth tethered herself and came under the protective covering of Naomi. And that one decision changed the trajectory of Ruth's life. It put her on the path to encounter her kinsman-redeemer. 

Look at this interaction between Ruth and Naomi. Notice the permission Naomi has been given to speak into Ruth's life and notice how Ruth responds to the voice of spiritual authority.

One day, Naomi said to Ruth: “I want to see you marry so that you’ll be happy and secure. Now listen, a man named Boaz is our relative. You worked with his servant girls in his fields. This evening, he’ll be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. Now, take a bath and put on some nice perfume. Dress in your best clothes and go to the threshing floor, but don’t let him know you’re there until he’s had plenty to eat and drink. Watch closely to see where he lies down. Then go, uncover his feet, and lie down there. He will tell you what to do.” Ruth answered, “I’ll do everything you’ve told me.” (Ruth 3:1-5)

This past Sunday, Pastor Tim asked a really important question that we should not let go unanswered. Who has permission to tell you that you stink?

Who has permission to tell you the truth without it resulting in disconnection, but obedience?

Have you given anyone the authority to speak into your life this way?

Who has permission to tell you that you stink, where your only response to them would be, "I'll do everything you've told me?"

As we think about the answer to this question we may be tempted to put the responsibility on someone else or that there have been no worthy prospects who have taken the job, but that is not where the burden lies when it comes to connecting to spiritual authority. 

This is the interesting thing about spiritual authority: it cannot have influence where it has not been received and honored.

We have to give someone permission to do this in our life. 

It is not the job of spiritual authority to exercise control through power, force or manipulation. True spiritual authority would never attempt to have influence where they are not welcome. They must be given permission in our hearts and we must be the ones who come under their protective covering. 

There is a quote I've held onto for the past couple of years because it carries so much truth about authority in our lives. 

"The power to parent does not come from the fact that you have that responsibility, the strength and the wisdom--the power to parent comes from the desire of the child to belong to you."

This has everything to do with our being connected to spiritual authority. This truth applies to our coming under authority in our homes, in our churches, and in our nation. Yahweh is the one who places people in authority, but we do not experience the benefits or the blessings of that authority until we submit ourselves, or come under their protective covering. The power lies in our ability to come under.

Naomi was already carrying something special inside of her, but Ruth did not experience the benefits or the blessings of that gift until she tethered herself to Naomi and came under her wings. 

Ruth's desire to belong and stay connected to Naomi is what allowed Naomi to speak with authority in Ruth's life.

And because Ruth was submitted to spiritual authority, she had access to all the wisdom Yahweh had placed in Naomi. This wisdom called Ruth out of gleaning in the field, told her to take a bath, and sent her to have the most amazing encounter of her life with Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer.

Who has permission to tell you that you stink?

As you take a walk with Abba today, ask Him, "Abba, who has permission to speak into my life the way Naomi spoke into Ruth's?" 

"Where is the spiritual authority that you've planted in my life that is waiting on my permission?"

It takes a heart of honor and humility to hand someone this authority. And because we've seen authority abused and mishandled it has made some of us hesitant and extremely cautious. This is a part of our wilderness walk with Abba where He redefines everything. We have to let Him redefine the way we see this. Too many of us hold a theology that has been shaped by what hasn't worked. Abba wants to give you a new wineskin that is tender, flexible and able to hold everything that He wants to pour into your life. Coming under protective covering and spiritual authority inside of a loving family will be one of the most valuable things that we ever allow.

And we must allow it. 

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Worship: "We Make Space" by Melissa Helser

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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