That’s Not What I Wanted To Hear

Written by Jarred Rushing

(5 minutes)

The Hebrew term ga'al means "kinsman-redeemer." This was a legal function in Israel's tradition that was put into place to protect childless widows. A close male relative was empowered to "redeem" the widow through covenant marriage. The kinsman redeemer had two responsibilities: 1) buy back the land so the widow would not lose her inheritance and 2) provide her with offspring that would become an heir to the family's legacy. 

As Ruth encounters Boaz on the threshing floor she does all that Naomi instructed her to do and implores Boaz to become her kinsman-redeemer. 

Before we move on, remember that Ruth has honored Naomi by leaving everything she was familiar with and tethering herself to her widowed mother-in-law. She ventures into a new land where she knows nothing and she submits to the wisdom that Yahweh has placed inside of Naomi. She starts, like most of us do, by gleaning in someone else's field. She's occasionally consuming the leftovers just to survive. She experiences favor in Boaz's field and he takes notice of her. Naomi instructs Ruth to stop gleaning in the field and pursue covenant marriage with Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer. Ruth does everything she is told, perfectly. She arrives at the moment where she makes her plea before the feet of Boaz. And what does she hear?

"It's true that I am a kinsman-redeemer, but you have a closer kinsman-redeemer than I." (Ruth 3:12)

What do you do when your intimacy, honor and submission to spiritual authority isn't met with promotion but a time of waiting? How do you feel when you've invested all of your heart into something only to hear that you must wait a little longer? This is exactly what Ruth hears from Boaz.

"It's true that I am a kinsman-redeemer, but you have a closer kinsman-redeemer than I. Stay here tonight, and I will protect you. In the morning, we'll see if he's willing to redeem you. If he does, good; let him. But if he refuses to redeem you, then I promise, as surely as Yahweh lives, I will. Sleep here until morning." (Ruth 3:12-13)

There is a level of rest that Abba is calling us into that isn't subject to the seasons around us. We're inheriting a level of trust that is not moved by how life is playing out. To those who wish to remain in control, rest and waiting is a curse. To those who are seeking to come under the power and authority of someone else, rest and waiting is a privilege. Coming under the wings of Yahweh's presence means we have been given the grace to rest and wait on Him to provide everything we need. 

As Ruth was about to leave, Boaz said to her, "Here, bring me the cloak you're wearing and hold it open." As she held it open, Boaz poured six measures [around 50 pounds] of barley into it. He then helped place it on her head to carry, and she went back to Bethlehem. When Ruth returned to her mother-in-law, Naomi asked her, "How did it go, my dear daughter? How did Boaz receive you?" Ruth told Naomi everything that he did for her. She added, "Boaz gave me all this barley, saying, 'You must not go home empty-handed without a gift for your mother in law.'" Naomi answered, "My daughter, wait here until you see what happens. Boaz will not rest until he has finished doing what he promised he would do today." (Ruth 3:15-18)

Notice how Boaz lavishes Ruth with an extravagant gift, in her waiting. Abba is doing the same for all of us. He's pouring out extravagant gifts in your time of waiting. These gifts are down-payments on the promise the He's already made concerning your life. He does not leave us empty-handed. Hear the wisdom of Naomi in your own life today: "My son, my daughter, wait here until you see what happens. Yahweh will not rest until He has finished doing what He promised He would do today."

And remember, rest and waiting in the Kingdom are not passive. They are invitations to become entwined with Yahweh's perspective. The Hebrew word for wait is "qavah" and it literally means to be intertwined, to bind together by twisting, like braids of hair. To wait on the Lord is a time for our perspective to become one with His. We are being invited to come into a greater place of union with Him. 

As you take a walk with Abba today, allow His love to change your perspective about times of rest and waiting. Let His love reassure you that your only responsibility in this relationship is to keep your eyes on Him and wait until you see what happens. Rest is the most valuable asset in our covenant marriage with Yahweh. It is our distinct privilege and honor to be at rest in every season, relying not on our own performance and ability to make things happen but trusting the Bridegroom to provide and finish what He promised He would do. There is no striving in this relationship with Yahweh.

Don't allow hopelessness to have influence in your heart. Your intimacy, honor and yielded heart before the Lord are not going unnoticed. Rest is the gift He gives to the Bride. 

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Worship: "Wait On You" by Elevation Worship & Maverick City

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The Unknown Kinsman-Redeemer


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