We’re At A Crossroads

(4 minutes)

One of the hardest things for us to do is change our minds, yet that was the message of Jesus. Jesus came saying, "Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand." The word repent has been hijacked by religion to mean all sorts of things, except what it really means. The Greek word for repent is "metanoia" and it literally means to change your mind (meta=beyond, noia=the mind). Jesus came saying, "Change the way you think, the Kingdom of God is at hand."

"The main thing Jesus came to earth to say was, 'Change the way you think,' yet we repel and run from any idea or thing that causes us offense." (Pastor Tim)

We are living in an age where the common theme across the globe is to run from anyone who doesn't look like, act like, sound like, and think like you. We live on high alert and the moment we feel the slightest offense, we run. The problem with this is that sometimes Yahweh comes to us wrapped up in an offense. Why? Because the offended mind reveals the heart of a person. Sometimes we aren't even aware of what lies beneath the surface of our heart until we stumble over an offense.

We have opportunities every single day to be offended, but what if Abba is trying to use the offense to change our minds?

Yahweh said to his people:
"Stand at the crossroads.
Now, consider your ways
and ask for the ancient paths.
Which is God's way?
Walk on his path, and you'll enjoy a resting place
for yourselves.
But they said, 'We will not.
That's not the path we want.'"

(Jeremiah 6:16)

We are certainly at a crossroads. Abba is inviting us into the unfamiliar. He is inviting us into freedom and wholeness. But the road to healing is paved with metanoia, with changing the way we think. The crossroads is this: will we embrace the things that stir offense inside of us and ask Abba why we feel that way, or will we continue to do what religion taught us to do so well - run and hide from anything or anyone who doesn't think exactly like us? This one thing will separate those who want the real thing no matter what the cost, and those who will turn back and settle for less than Abba's best for them. The disciples and the Pharisees had the same choice that we have today. Will I embrace the path that leads to His feet or will I recoil because it's not the path I want to take?

As we take the walk with Abba today, let's start by asking Him to change the way we think about changing the way we think. Let's ask Him to give us His perspective when it comes to the offense that's been stirred in us. If we are offended, and Abba is not, shouldn't that stir us to ask Him what His heart is concerning the matter? This question requires us to embrace a very significant thought that religion never allowed us to think...."What if what I think…is wrong?"

Remember, Abba never comes to bring shame and condemnation. If He offends the mind to reveal the heart it is because He has a greater measure of healing and wholeness prepared for you.

Beloved One, don't run from what Abba is inviting you into - the unfamiliar, also known as the place of trusting Him with every single step! You wanted the real thing. This is it!

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Worship: "Palm of Your Hand" by TRIBL

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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