The Presence-Conscious Posture

(5 minutes)

During those days, another massive crowd gathered to hear Jesus, and again, there was no food and the people were hungry. So Jesus called his disciples to come near him and said to them, "My heart goes out to this crowd, for they've already been here with me for three days with nothing to eat. I'm concerned that if I send them home hungry, some may faint along the way, for many have come a long, long way just to be with me." His disciples replied, "But could anyone possibly get enough food to satisfy a crowd this size out here in this isolated place?" (Mark 8:1-4)

“Storms, and lack, and disappointment, and hopelessness cause amnesia.” (Pastor Tim) Just a couple chapters earlier the disciples witness the miraculous feeding of a very large crowd, but here they are again and they have lost confidence. You see, it's the goodness of God that brings us back into these situations so the truth can go even deeper into our hearts. One time around wasn't enough for the disciples. They needed another trip through this situation so they could be convinced of God's goodness. Abba does the same for us, so we can be convinced that He is pure light and there's no trace of darkness in Him.

He [Jesus] asked them, "How many loaves of flatbread do you have?"
"Seven," they replied.
(Mark 8:5)

Why is Jesus asking the disciples this question? Does God not know the amount of food that's available on the scene? Of course, He knows. "He's asking them to stop and ask the question, 'Do we need to even ask this question?' We've got the presence of God here. What does it matter how many loaves we have? He's trying to tell them, 'You're still need-conscious, and you need to be presence-conscious. You're still too focused on what you do have and what you don't have.'" (Pastor Tim)

The "and again" keeps happening because we haven't learned to trust Him. Abba's not bringing us through these situations to bring shame and condemnation. He's simply trying to wake us up to the fact that we still don't trust Him. And we don't even know that's the case until we walk through something, again. He wants us more focused on presence, not resources. What we need is irrelevant when we're in the presence of the King.

Jesus instructed the crowd to sit down on the grass. After he took the seven loaves, he gave thanks to God, broke them, and started handing them to his disciples. They kept distributing the bread until they had served the entire crowd. They also had a few small fish, and after giving thanks for these, Jesus had his disciples serve them to the crowd. Everyone ate until they were satisfied. Then the disciples gathered up the broken pieces and filled seven large baskets with leftovers. (Mark 8:6-8)

Why does Jesus instruct the crowd to sit down? "Because you can't receive anything from the Kingdom while you're running around, stressed out about what you don't have. Jesus refuses to do a single thing until everyone has the posture of peace." (Pastor Tim) He takes what the disciples are willing to surrender to Him, He breaks it, and then He uses it to feed thousands of people.

"It's the goodness of God that keeps giving us opportunity after opportunity to respond the way He's wanting us to respond." (Pastor Tim) It's the goodness of God that keeps ushering us into these situations, again and again, until we are so settled and seated in trust that we respond differently than we ever have before. That's healing. That's complete wholeness. You're free when you can go into the same situation, and respond from a place of peace and trust.

This is the process of healing and wholeness that Abba is taking us on. And He's not resentful, shaking His head in disapproval, annoyed that we are taking so long to come around. No! He's enjoying every moment of this process. He's enjoying walking His children through the process of maturity. He's concerned with every single detail of this journey. It's not a marathon, it's a dance. And He's enjoying every moment of it. He's inviting us into the same level of enjoyment!

Are we running around, stressed over our lack? Or are we seated in a posture of peace ready to receive from the King's table? Are we more conscious of our own needs? Or are we conscious of the presence of Yahweh? Every "and again" moment that we walk through is an opportunity to trust Him more.

As we take the walk with Abba today, let's allow Him to speak to us concerning our posture in His presence. There are things we're walking through right now and we have the distinct honor and privilege to respond with a heart of trust and pour out an extravagant worship on His feet that will transform us. There's a grace for us to walk through this "and again" much differently than we have in the past.

Beloved One, take My hand, and let's sit down in this moment. Stop worrying and questioning the details of your life, and wake up to the fact that you're in this place again because My goodness won't allow you to settle in the land of the brokenhearted. My beloved sons and daughters deserve so much more. I'm committed to showing up every day and walking with you into the healing, wholeness, and freedom that you were made for. I love you too much to leave you!

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Worship: "Love Note" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


We’re At A Crossroads


And Again