Dive In

What you do with the voice of Yahweh matters. If you have been a part of church for any length of time you have seen a pattern in church across America. This pattern looks something like this, show up, sit down, listen, and leave high fiving your fellow attendees on the way out. Pastor Tim gave us a great illustration on Sunday. Let’s say you go to the gym. You show up, sit down and watch people work out, you listen to their conversations about working out and maybe even a meal plan and you leave. High fiving as you go. Do you think your body will change by doing this? Obviously, the answer is no. Yet, this what people do every Sunday, wondering why their lives are not changing. Doubling down on normal doesn’t change anything.

It is His voice that changes us, our family and the world around us. Why His voice? Because grace comes with His voice and His grace gives us the ability to do what He is saying to us. In James 2:17, he tells us faith without works is dead. We absolutely know we do not have to work for the invitation to this Romance of the ages with Jesus, but we do have a part in stirring the passion between Him and us. It is hard to cultivate a loving relationship one-sided. We as the Beloved Bride of Christ can no longer show up, sit down and listen. We must respond to His voice. We are designed to carry the glory of Yahweh into our families and everywhere the sole of our feet goes. The true glory of God is weighty, and it affects those you are around.

If you aren’t experiencing this measure of glory, then it is time to ask yourself some questions. Like what am I doing with what He is saying to me? The Holy Spirit has been speaking at The Wilderness Place. He is calling us out just like Jesus did with the man with the withered hand. Jesus calls him from the back of the room where he had hidden his dysfunction, He asked him to come forward in front of everyone. This man had a choice just like you do, he could have stayed hidden with his problem or come forward. He was tired of being in this situation, so he did something about it. He had faith in Jesus, but he also took action. Jesus is compassionate but He will not coddle your issue. He will call you out on it.

Are you tired of dealing with the same things in your life? The things you know are hindering you from carrying His glory to the measure you are designed for. There are Kingdom promises for you and your family waiting on you to do what He is showing you. Let’s talk practical ways to handle His voice. Think of one thing He has been talking to you about. Find a quiet place and sit with Him. You can say, “Abba, I brought XYZ you have been talking to me about. What do you want to show me regarding this? And wait for a few minutes. He will show you other aspects concerning the matter. This sometimes will even sound like your own voice, but your heart will know when it is Him revealing your thoughts. Do not walk away without responding. Your response could be crying, singing to Him, thanksgiving, or journaling a love letter to Him. This is cultivating a back-and-forth conversation with Him building intimacy.

Maybe you are thinking right now he’s not speaking anything to me. Go back to the last time He showed something or said something. Start there. He may be waiting for you to pick up the conversation about that matter first. Deep cries out to deep. We cannot sit around waiting for Yahweh to make us deep. This is our part. It’s time to stop wading around in the things of God and just dive into the deep. He won’t let you drown.


He’s So Valuable


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