He’s So Valuable

Define value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. (according to the Oxford languages) Some other words you could use in this sense is appreciate, love, treasure, or cherish.

When you begin a new relationship, you value every word that comes out of their mouth. Everything they love- you love. You cherish everything about them, right? You are hungry to learn more and more. Fast forward 5 years, 10 year or even 20 years you don’t appreciate them as much. You rarely even look into their eyes when they are talking. You are just living in the same house going through the motions of life.

We do not want to think we could be this way with the voice of Yahweh or His presence, but it happens all the time. The life and life more abundantly come from hearing His voice and responding. Are you willing to do what it takes to have the transformation Jesus paid for with His blood? Not only did He die and was resurrected, but He also suffered a great deal physically so we could be fully alive, completely healed and made whole. He didn’t stop there He sent the Holy Spirit on earth to walk with us daily. To talk to us and guide us. What are you doing with His voice?

Put yourself on the end of a relationship where you are valued and appreciated. When you feel this way, you want to do more for those who value you. It is the same with the voice of Yahweh. The more you lean in, the more you look into His eyes, the more you value what He is saying the more He will speak and tell you. He wants to build the integrity of our lives to carry the weight of His Kingdom. Maybe you’re thinking Yes, I want to lean in and hear more but I don’t know how to practically do that. Let me help you with an idea that came to us Tuesday night from Abba Himself.

In our sound booth at the Wilderness Place we have a Mac computer that has two monitors plugged into it. We spent hours prior to the service trying to get this computer to come on. It was showing up on a TV monitor but then restart over and over. Pastor Tim did everything he knew to do to get it to work. One of the beloved sons of the house who is genius with a lot of things especially computers came in and he unplugged everything from the Mac. Then only plugged back into the power source. This forced the Mac to be focused on one thing. Why would it not be able to function properly? It had so much plugged in from outside sources it could not focus. Abba used this situation to speak to us about having too many things plugged in to our lives. When this happens, we miss His voice. We can’t connect to the only source that matters. The power which we need to function. His voice. Face to Face with Him. It is time to unplug some things in your life so you can focus on Him.

Ask the Lord now what you need to unplug from so you can hear Him more. There are so many practical things you can do. One of our beloved daughters in the house put an app on her phone that locks it, so she isn’t on her phone as much. Like 16-hour locks. I can’t wait to see all the things Abba will speak to her because of her obedience to do something practical that frees her mind to hear and see. Maybe he wants you to get up a few minutes earlier so you can spend time with Him before your day starts. A great way to connect to Him is take a walk and talk to Him about what you see. It is about connecting our hearts to His. Value your time with Him. Value the words He speaks by writing them down so you can go back to them to continue the conversation.

We would love to hear how He is speaking to you. You can email us your testimony. If you need prayer please let us know how we can pray with you.


The Posture of the Heart


Dive In