Unless You Become Like A Child

(5 minutes)

"This is the invitation into the wilderness. Every single time God wants to speak to someone, He draws them into a place of unknowing. 'Abraham, I'm going to send you to a place you know not of. I'm not even going to give you a map to tell you how to get there.' But we hate that. Why do we hate that? Because we have to trust. Every step is about hearing and obeying. The wilderness is an invitation for you, me, us, we to go into the unfamiliar. And He doesn't let you bring what you thought you knew before with you. You have to let the unfamiliar challenge what you thought you were certain of, and we don't like that." (Pastor Tim)

You have to let the unfamiliar challenge what you thought you were certain of. This is what most of our encounters with Jesus feel like because so much of what we've learned isn't the way of the Kingdom. Pastor Tim illustrated this on Sunday when he shared Jesus' thoughts about children. Listen to Jesus' words:

Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable like a little child, you will never be able to enter in. (Matthew 18:3 TPT)

Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3 NKJV)

So Jesus shares this Kingdom-truth, and what did we do? We removed the children, who were supposed to be an example to us, from our gatherings and stuck them in a back room. The very expression that Jesus said we needed if we were going to experience the Kingdom, we removed from our sight "so we could be undistracted." This is what we learned in American Christianity, but it was not the way of the Kingdom. These are the things we're unlearning in the wilderness.

As we venture out into the wilderness with Abba, He begins to undo so much of what we thought we already knew. At first, these interactions can be uncomfortable. Trusting can be uncomfortable. Having your previous perspective undone can be very uncomfortable. It can cause you to be unsure and question everything, and that's okay.

The beautiful thing about taking these wilderness walks with Abba is that you may be the most unsure you've ever been in your life, but you're closer to Him and His presence than you've ever been in your life, too. You may be spinning, but you're spinning in the Potter's hands. And like Pastor Tim said on Sunday, Abba can handle your questions and He can handle your doubts. This is what unlearning feels like. And now Abba can speak to you Himself about what the Kingdom is really like.

Beloved One, don't run away from these encounters just because they challenge what you thought you already knew. This is Abba inviting you into a new way of seeing. This is Abba inviting you into trust. Trusting like a child.

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Worship: "Preference" by Rachel Morley

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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