Every Circumstance An Opportunity

(5 minutes)

"When we believe that we are truly God's favorite, that thinking determines how we respond no matter what the circumstance says. If we really believed that we were God's favorite and we were beloved, any and every circumstance would be an opportunity for us." (Pastor Tim)

Just like Joseph was able to excel in every environment because he knew he was his father's favorite, every circumstance we face will become an opportunity to see Abba's favor when we start believing that we are truly beloved sons and daughters. Believing that you are loved by the Father will change how you think. It will change your perspective. It will change how you see things that happen in your life.

Think about Joseph's life - sold into slavery by his own brothers, becomes a slave in someone else's home, targeted and accused by his master's wife, and thrown into prison. Let me ask you a question: would your current perspective allow you to see these circumstances as opportunities to excel and experience Yahweh's favor? Or would your current perspective keep you stuck as a slave to hopelessness?

It all goes back to how we think. Remember, how big you dream communicates how deeply you believe God loves you. Knowing you're favored of the Father will change your perspective.

"So imagine this: what if you so believed that you're His favorite that the circumstance did not determine how you responded to the circumstance? So when rejection comes, it doesn't feel like rejection. It feels like an opportunity. What if the flat tire is no longer an inconvenience, but you see it as an opportunity? What if a health crisis comes up, and you don't see it as a crisis at all...you see it as an opportunity? What if you find yourself trapped in a conversation you don't want to be in and it no longer says you're trapped...it's an opportunity? How you think determines where you are." (Pastor Tim)

What if the circumstance is not overwhelming at all, it's just an opportunity?

Are you a slave, or are you Abba's favorite?
You can't be both.

Beloved One, what circumstance in your life is waiting on you to believe you're Abba's favorite? The entire cosmos, all the way down to the circumstances you're walking through right now, are waiting for you to believe that you're Abba's favorite, because they want to experience His goodness, too. As long as we're enslaved in our thinking, they're enslaved. But when you put your coat on and start walking in your beloved identity, everything changes.

The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and daughters! (Romans 8:19)

While you're on your walk with Abba today, take a look around and let Him point out every opportunity that He's brought into your life. You may be surprised at what He calls an opportunity, that you've been calling a trap.

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Worship: "Beauty for Ashes" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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