Uninterrupted, Unbroken Companionship

(4 minutes)

From the moment of his baptism, Jesus overflowed (was fully infused) with the Holy Spirit. (Luke 4:1)

At the start of this week, let's fix our eyes on Abba's heart for us. He's showing up every single day to walk with us.

Pastor Tim showed us this past Sunday that Jesus "overflowing with the Holy Spirit" means that He was experiencing uninterrupted, unbroken companionship with Abba. Abba was accompanying Him wherever He went.

Today, Abba's heart is to be with you in every moment. He wants you to experience the same uninterrupted, unbroken companionship that Jesus did. Nothing less! He wants to accompany you and walk hand-in-hand with you wherever you go. Unlimited access to an intimate relationship with Yahweh.

To walk in this depth of presence, we must see Him as good, pure light, and we must see ourselves as His beloved. These two things, if not seen rightly, will keep us walking at a distance instead of walking hand-in-hand with Him. Seeing Him as perfectly good and seeing ourselves as Beloved of the Father will allow us to enjoy the face-to-face relationship that we were designed to share with Him.

This is what Abba is inviting you into today. Abba wants you to constantly be living in the light that surrounds Him. Can you imagine walking this closely with Abba? Can you imagine having a continual conversation with Him throughout the day? Can you imagine His presence being woven into every moment, no matter how small?

Two questions that you must ask yourself and answer honestly:

Do you believe He really wants to be this close to you? This question reveals how you see Him. We have to settle this question in our hearts. Is He good… to me?

Do you believe that you are worthy enough to experience this measure of His presence? This question reveals how you see yourself. This question is about your identity. Am I really beloved?

It's okay to not feel 100% settled in these things. This is exactly what the walk is for. These are the things that He wants to talk about today as we host His presence. Bring your heart, fully open, into the light that surrounds Him. Be vulnerable with Him about where you are. And allow His love to wash you, to nourish you, to revive you in these areas. His voice speaking tenderly to your heart can change everything. One moment with Him in intimacy can change everything. All He needs from you is your willingness to be open with Him.

Your future is full of uninterrupted, unbroken, unlimited companionship with Abba, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. He has lured you into the wilderness to produce this in you. The work has already begun! And Abba is always faithful to finish the work that He has started.

I pray with great faith for you, because I'm fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! (Philippians 1:6)

You're predestined to look just like Jesus, having the exact same face-to-face relationship that He has with Abba. This is the work that He has started in you! And until Jesus is unveiled in you, He is faithful to continue the process of maturing His beloved sons and daughters.

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Worship:  "Open Space" by Housefires

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Baptized In Beloved Identity


The Evidence of the Kingdom