The Evidence of the Kingdom

(7 minutes)

This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it's still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him. (1 John 1:5)

What is the evidence that appears in our life when we start seeing Abba as pure light, with no trace of darkness in Him?

Yes, we stop protecting ourselves and can start living in the freedom that Abba has for us. But even more, we will be freed to love others like Abba loves us. The evidence of the Kingdom will always appear in relationships because the Kingdom is relational.

Let's dive back into Abraham's story. We've already seen Abraham protecting himself and operating out of a place of fear. Now, let's pay attention to Abraham's next trial and see if His perspective of Yahweh has changed.

Then Abram took his wife and all that he owned, and left Egypt. They returned to the southern desert region, and Lot went with them. Now Abram had become very rich in livestock, silver, and gold. And he journeyed on from place to place as far as the hill country region of Bethel. He returned to the place between Bethel and Ai where he had pitched his tent at the beginning. This was the place he had first built an altar to pray and worship Yahweh. Now Lot, who accompanied Abram, was also rich and had accumulated flocks, herds, family, and servants. Arguments erupted between Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen because the land could not support both living together, for their animals and possessions were too numerous. At that time, Canaanites and Perizzites were also in the land. So Abram said to Lot, "Let's not quarrel with each other, or between our herdsmen, since we are relatives. Look at the vast land that is in front of you! Let's settle in different regions. If you choose the land on the left, then I'll go right, and if you want land on the right, then I'll go left." (Genesis 13:1-9)

So Lot chose to settle in the Jordan Valley, which was fertile and well-watered. It looked beautiful, like the garden of Yahweh, or like Egypt. He departed toward the east, and the family split up and separated from each other. (Genesis 13:11-12)

After Lot separated from him, Yahweh spoke to Abram, "Lift up your eyes and look around you to the north, the south, the east, and the west. As far as you can see in every direction is the land that I will give to you forever--to you and your seed. I will multiply them until they are as numerous as the specks of dust on the earth. If anyone could count the dust of the earth, then your offspring could also be counted. Now, get up and walk through the land--its length and its breadth. All the land you walk upon will be my gift to you!" (Genesis 13:14-17)

Abraham is put in another situation where his future is hanging in the balance. He could easily let fear whisper to him and fall into the same trap of protecting his own heart. But Abraham responds in a completely different way in this tussle with Lot. This is evidence that Abraham is seeing Yahweh as pure light. He has built some history with Yahweh and when this conflict arises between him and Lot, he doesn't choose to protect his own heart. He chooses to protect Lot's heart and allows him to choose first where he would like to settle with his family. Abraham has clearly gotten closer to Abba in intimacy because he is not responding from fear but from the peace of the Kingdom. He is trusting Yahweh fully in this moment, knowing that no matter where he ends up Yahweh will be with him and for him. Perfect love is casting out all fear in Abraham's heart, freeing him to love Lot the way Abba has loved him.

Are you beginning to see evidence of the Kingdom in your life? That evidence is flowing from your seeing Abba as pure light!

Remember the scripture we read from 1 John 4:

Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love's perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love's perfection. (1 John 4:18)

But what does John the Beloved say after this verse, as he tells us the byproduct of encountering God's love for us?

Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us. (1 John 4:19)

John is referring to the Kingdom evidence that appears in our life when we begin to live in the pure light that surrounds Abba. When we encounter the perfect love of Abba, we will be freed to love and honor others. It will be our grateful response, the overflow of having encountered His goodness and our own beloved identity. We will be able to give away to others what we have learned to receive from Abba: love's perfection.

As this Kingdom evidence begins to appear in our lives and we are finally freed to be our authentic selves, we will also begin to walk in a greater measure of trust. This trust in Yahweh will lead us into things that we can't even ask, think, or imagine right now. Infinitely more than our greatest request. Our most unbelievable dreams. Our wildest imagination! He will outdo them all. (Ephesians 3:20)

Once Lot leaves, Yahweh comes to Abram and says, "Look around in every direction! Everything your eyes can see, I'm giving to you and your seed. I am going to multiply all that you are and all that you have." Remember these words from last Sunday: "You are one decision, one moment away, from believing that Abba is good, from possessing it all."

It all begins here.

Do you believe that Abba is pure light? That there's no shadow side to Him at all?

Will you allow His love to wash over you and cast out all fear?

Can you open up your heart and let Him convince you that He is good and that you are beloved?

Beloved, let Him!

The entire cosmos is waiting for you to believe the life-giving message that Jesus came to share with you. Abba is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in Him. Come and live in the light that surrounds Him. Come and share this unbroken fellowship with Yahweh. You can trust Him. He is safe. He is for you. And He's not going anywhere.

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Worship:  "Let It Happen" by United Pursuit

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Uninterrupted, Unbroken Companionship


Goodbye, Fear!