The Proof Is In The Pudding

We have been talking about integrity as a Kingdom family because Abba has us on a journey to build infrastructure here at The Wilderness Place. This integrity deals with the ability to carry something of weight like the Glory of Yahweh. Pastor Tim had someone ask, “what does it look like to carry the glory of Yahweh?”

You have two people- Both say with certainty “I LOVE JESUS!” Both can share scripture and pray but one says “Jesus is the center of my entire life, every aspect is for Him and about Him.” What do you think is different about their lives?

If you could compare the day to day would you be able to see a clear cut difference in their response to difficulty? What about their relationship with their children? How they treat their spouse. The hard truth is there is absolutely a difference in someone who makes Jesus the center of their everyday lives and those who casually attend a meeting about Jesus.

The proof is in the pudding. What does this mean? According to, it’s an expression that means the value, quality, or truth of something must be judged based on direct experience with it—or on its results. When you have direct experience with Jesus, another words when you have an intimate relationship with Him there will be proof in your life. This is the integrity we are talking about. Can you carry what you’re designed to carry? You are designed to look like Jesus therefore you carry the glory He carried.

How we handle difficulty is a testimony to those around you. Nothing you are going through right now is meaningless. This is why Jesus being front and center is essential. We are all going through something difficult right now. He wants you to know as you walk through the pressure He is strengthening you on the inside. It is hard to see it in the middle of the trial but there is grace and mercy to help you. He is teaching you how to respond under pressure. Don’t bail out! The increased glory you will carry on the other side will blow you away. We can have confidence in the battle because He is our One Thing- Front and Center.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18


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