Cast Your Bread

“Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1

Since we live on the Coast here, we can really imagine ourselves standing at the water’s edge having the waves roll up to our feet. Picture yourself there. You take the bread out of your pocket, and you throw it into the water. A few days later you go back and there is your bread coming back to you on a wave rolling right up to your feet. What happens to bread when it’s wet? Yes, it expands. Every time you throw your bread out it multiplies back to you. Jesus expands the bread you keep casting. What happens if you aren’t casting bread on the water?

Life is full of waves. Sometimes you have small waves that just roll over your feet. Other times, the waves are so big they knock you down and wash over you entirely. Have you ever seen someone at a beach with big waves? The waves keep coming and they have a hard time getting on their feet. They keep getting knocked down by the waves. Isn’t this life sometimes? It’s one wave after another. The truth is we get to determine what is in the wave that keeps washing over us.

What is one thing water represents in scripture? The Holy Spirit. If you keep casting your bread upon Him, The Holy Spirit gets to determine what comes back to you. Our bread can represent tithes, offerings, blessing others but it also can be connecting our heart to Him daily.

Let’s say you are faithful to give your resources to Him to see the Kingdom advanced in your community and you give to others you see that is in need, that bread will return to you in a beautiful way. How do we know this? Because He promises if you trust Him with your finances, He will cause your cup to overflow. Those waves will not continue to wash your resources away, they will begin to bring it to your feet. We learned in Malachi it is the one area Yahweh says, “test Me.”

It isn’t just your resources. It is about the posture of your heart. Are you connecting your heart to His throughout the week? Truth is you can always tell if that was the case when you step into the sanctuary on Sunday morning. If you feel like you’re having a hard time feeling His presence in worship or understanding what is being said you can always go back and look at your week. How many times did I turn my heart to Him? Again, how much bread did I cast upon the water. If it was very little you will have a hard time connecting to what the Holy Spirit is doing and saying. The more bread we cast, the more we turn our hearts to Him the more waves of His presence will wash over you. It is a choice we make daily.

The beautiful thing about Abba is there is no condemnation. Maybe you are thinking, “at best, I have tossed out crumbs and expected loaves to return.” This is what he wants you to know- It is a new week so let’s commit to connecting to Him. Pastor Tim gave us some great words of wisdom Sunday.

“His love will teach you to connect to Him every day even though you are busy. The affection you feel in a moment will cause your heart to turn to Jesus. You will experience the warmth of the love affair and realize He is for you, not against you. He is always for you. This causes your heart to say- “I’m hungry for more of this.” So, you wake up on Monday and you’re not thinking about work. All of a sudden you are thinking about your heart connecting to His. He is ready to go with you anywhere. In the fields, on the job, in your home, or on a drive. This beautiful love affair with Jesus, the romance of the ages is built five minutes at a time. Just by connecting your heart to His.”

This week cast your bread upon the water of the Holy Spirit and see the goodness of who He is wash over you.


The Proof Is In The Pudding


The Posture of the Heart