The Importance of a Father

“And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4

This was the last statement made in the Old Testament. Yahweh did not speak again for four hundred years. Why would he let this be the last thing? Are there no other important aspects that should have been said? No! Fathers are vital for our future. There are two aspects here. First, we have the fathers in the natural. Having a father in the home is so important for children. A father leads and has advice for the children that only he can offer. There is safety in a father’s instructions. We have lost sight of the dynamics of the home due to the culture delusion. You have women leading the home controlling every aspect of the family. It is out of order. This causes the fathers to either leave or shrink back to a place of no input in the home. I dare say this is the curse. A curse brings destruction and when a family is out of order there will always be destruction of some sort. Usually, it is to the family itself. Pastor Tim shared from Esther 2 which shows us the importance of Mordica in Esther’s life. He led her to the kingdom; he gave her instructions on how she should be inside the kingdom, and he never left. He was always there to make sure she was ok.

Another aspect of fathers is in the body of Christ. Every child of Yahweh is perfectly ok with titles such as preacher or pastor. It is the role of a father in the house that people question. Why? We have lost sight of the role of fathers. We at the Wilderness Place are incredibly thankful and honored to have a father in our house. Pastor Tim may be called Pastor, but he is a father to this family. A father will care about every aspect of the family. He prays for each person by name. He loves. He leads and gives biblical advice. He’s honest. He wants everyone to be successful. Most people with the title pastor or preacher are only about one thing: their agenda to grow churches. A father is about leading a family in the ways of the Kingdom. This is why it is important for the fathers to turn their hearts to the son and daughters and for the sons and daughters to turn their hearts back to the fathers. It removes the curse and we live under the favor and blessing of the Kingdom.

Unfortunately, we have lost sight of the role of fathers, and we believe it is because we have not seen the Heavenly father correctly. This week we will dive deep in recovering the love of Yahweh so we can see Him right. When we see him right as our Abba, we will see everything else right.


You Are not Forsaken


The Day of Destiny