The Day of Destiny
Let’s do a recap of this week’s Walk. It's time to embrace a transformative truth: Yahweh's perfect love has the power to cast out all fear and change how we see ourselves and Him.
At the heart of our spiritual journey lies a profound invitation - to let Jesus smother us with His kisses. This isn't just poetic language; it's a call to experience the depth of His affection for us. The Song of Solomon actually reveals Jesus’ passionate love language for each of us.
Let’s read this beautiful passage:
"Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one. The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone."
These words paint a picture of a God who eagerly pursues us, longing to bring us out of hiding and into a new season of intimacy with Him. He sees us as beautiful and longs for us to see ourselves through His eyes.
But here's the challenge - many of us struggle to fully receive this love. We're like Queen Vashti in the book of Esther, who refused the king's invitation to come before him. She had become so comfortable in her own routines that she missed out on a deeper connection with the king. How often do we do the same with Jesus? We get comfortable in our religious routines, doing "church" well, but missing the heart of intimacy with our Creator.
The apostle John gives us a profound insight: "We love Him because He first loved us." This isn't just about our initial salvation experience. It's an ongoing pattern for our entire spiritual journey. Our fervor for Jesus, our passion for His kingdom, flows from continually letting Him love us first. We can't manufacture genuine love for Him through our own efforts. It's only by receiving His love that we're empowered to love Him back with the same intensity.
This truth challenges our tendency to strive in our relationship with Him. We often think we need to clean ourselves up or perform better to earn His affection. But Yahweh's love doesn't operate that way. Remember the story of the woman caught in adultery? Jesus didn't condemn her. Instead, He said, "I don't condemn you. Now go and sin no more." The order is significant. Freedom from condemnation comes first, then transformation follows.
Yahweh's perfect love is designed to deal with every area of fear in our lives. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of intimacy - all of these can be overcome as we let His love penetrate our hearts. The Song of Solomon speaks of "catching the little foxes" that can spoil the vineyard of our relationship with God. These "foxes" represent anything that hinders us from fully receiving and responding to His love.
As we embrace Yahweh's love, we begin to see ourselves differently. No longer defined by our past mistakes or current struggles, we start to see ourselves as He sees us - radiant, beautiful, and deeply loved. This shift in perspective changes everything. We approach life with new confidence, not based on our own abilities, but on the unshakeable love of our Heavenly Father.
This journey of love isn't just about feeling good. It's about transformation. When we truly encounter His love, it should change the way we think. An encounter without changed perspective is a wasted opportunity. Jesus is inviting us into a deeper relationship, one that goes beyond surface-level experiences to reshape our very identities.
The incredible thing about His love is that it's not based on our performance. It's an inheritance, freely given because we are His beloved children. Just as we don't expect our children to earn our love, He doesn't require us to earn His. He delights in lavishing His affection on us, often in unexpected ways.
Consider the imagery of new wine and new wineskins. Jesus wants to pour out fresh experiences of His love, but sometimes our hearts have become rigid, like old wineskins. The good news is that He doesn't discard us. Instead, He applies the oil of His Spirit and the fire of His presence to make us tender and pliable again, ready to receive all He has for us.
As we step into this new season of experiencing His love, we're invited to dream again. To imagine the impossible. To see ourselves, our relationships, and our world through the lens of His transforming love. It's time to let go of shame, regret, and condemnation. It's time to open our hearts fully to the One who loves us with an everlasting love.
Let's make a conscious choice to let Jesus smother us with His kisses. Let's tune our ears to hear Him speak words of affirmation over us. Let's allow His perfect love to cast out every fear that has held us back. As we do, we'll find ourselves loving Him more passionately and walking in greater freedom and purpose.
Remember, you are deeply loved. You are beautiful in His eyes. Your voice is precious to Him. As you embrace these truths, watch how it transforms your relationship with Jesus and empowers you to love others more fully.
Will you accept the invitation to go deeper? Will you let perfect love have its complete work in your heart? The choice is yours, and a new day of destiny is dawning. Step into it with confidence, knowing you are perfectly loved by a perfect God.