
Encounter. What does this mean?

Oxford dictionary defines encounter as an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something. Merriam-webster describes it as to come upon face-to-face. As we pursue our relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit it is important to understand what encounter means, and also equally important to know how to respond to them.

Everything in the Kingdom of God starts with an encounter. This encounter is about a person. The Holy Spirit. We are not talking about having a feeling or experiencing some type of force. We are talking about face-to-face with the Holy Spirit. Do you remember your first encounter with the Holy Spirit? Take some time here to ponder when this occurred.

I remember when I was 12, I went to a stadium meeting with one of my friends and her parents. I had my first encounter with the Holy Spirit. I felt His love for the first time. I committed my life to Him that night. Unfortunately, I did not have parents who would help me grow in that encounter. The atmosphere of our home was not based on the love of Jesus. The encounter waned and I forgot about it. Fast forward seventeen years and lots of heartache and poor choices, my life was a mess. I was sitting on my porch smoking, and I remember clear as day He said, “I have a better life for you.” I knew it was Him because it was the same feeling as when I was 12. It took me a little while to respond to Him, but I ultimately laid it all down for Him. The point to this testimony is that it matters how we respond to these encounters with Him. It is our choice. The Holy Spirit’s intention in these moments is to build our relationship with Him and for us to become more like Jesus. This is a two-way relationship; our will and choices are involved. It is our choice to be open to what He is speaking to us and what He is showing us about ourselves. Then it is our choice of what we do with what He has spoken.

Imagine standing at a fork in the road every time you have a moment with the Holy Spirit. When we choose Him, we know it will work out for the absolute best for our lives, even though it may be an extremely difficult decision. If we choose to not heed His voice, we will have to endure things in life we weren’t intended to experience. Had I had someone at 12 help me with what I felt and heard my life would have been completely different. Thankfully His grace and mercy never gave up on me, but I could have avoided a lot. Let’s look at some examples in scripture of those who responded to encounters with Jesus.

Let’s start with the rich, young ruler in Matthew 19, “Jesus said to him, “If you really want to be perfect, go now and sell everything you own. Give your money to the poor and your treasure will be transferred into heaven. Then come back and follow me for the rest of your life.” When the young man heard these words, he walked away sad, for he had great wealth.”

We don’t know for certain, but church history tells us decades later the Roman armies devastated Jerusalem and much of Judea. Many of the Jews lost their riches and some their lives. This was a hard choice for him, and he chose his wealth over what Jesus was offering. He had in his mind (his perspective) he was doing all the things he was supposed to do but Jesus wanted the young man to choose Him. Are we choosing Him in these moments? He will often ask for things that will challenge our trust and belief in His care for us. We have to release control over lives, every aspect.

On the contrast, let’s look at the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection. I encourage you to go read Luke 24, the entire chapter. Jesus suddenly appears to different ones in different ways. He speaks to them about where they are in their thoughts and feelings. I love how intimate Jesus is with His disciples. He is intimate with each of us too. Encounters look different for each of us. No one has the same encounter in the same way. He made us different and because He cares so deeply for each one, He meets us in the way He knows is most effective. Jesus ultimately gathered them in one place to speak to them before His Ascencion and their response must be our response to the encounters we have with Him.

“Jesus led his disciples out to Bethany. He lifted his hands over them and blessed them in his love. While he was still speaking words of love and blessing, he floated off the ground into the sky, ascending into heaven before their very eyes! And all they could do was worship him. Overwhelmed and ecstatic with joy, they made their way back to Jerusalem. Every day they went to the temple, to praise and worship God.”

We all know the stories of the disciples and what they went on to do for the Kingdom of God. We too are His beloved ones created to change the world around us for the glory of God. We do this by responding to His encounters each day. Our response transforms our lives therefore transforms the atmosphere around us. At the Wilderness Place our Kingdom family’s purpose is to come together to host Him well and celebrate Him in a powerful way. As we allow Him to speak to us in our secret place, we become fully alive individuals and unstoppable as a family.

As you read this what is He speaking to you? Ask Him to help your awareness of His encounters today and this week.

Luke 24 | TPT Bible | YouVersion


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