Lift Up Your Eyes

“After Lot separated from him, Yahweh spoke to Abram, “Lift up your eyes and look around you to the north, the south, the east, and the west. As far as you can see in every direction is the land that I will give to you forever—to you and your seed. I will multiply them until they are as numerous as the specks of dust on the earth. If anyone could count the dust of the earth, then your offspring could also be counted. Now, get up and walk through the land—its length and its breadth. All the land you walk upon will be my gift to you!” Genesis 13:14-17

Let’s not look at Lot as a person. Where we have been this week Lot represents the remnant of a broken heart. Remember Lot was the nephew of Abram’s brother who had died so he reminded Abram of past hurts. When Abram made a mistake as the leader by leaving Canaan for Egypt, Lot saw his mistake and failure in that moment and there began tension between them. Abram suggested to Lot they separate. He could have demanded first choice but he didn’t. He realized by not trusting Yahweh he wasn’t seeing things clearly, so he let Lot choose which land he wanted. It seemed Abram didn’t get the best part of the deal, but don’t you know when Yahweh is involved in our surrendered life, we always get the best deal.

Yahweh was teaching Abram a lesson through this story. You have to let the past go. Period. We see an important truth here. We cannot continue in some of the processes Yahweh wants us to go if we are unable to let go of a broken heart.

You need to understand something about the process and the journey. It is where the Lord is training your heart to trust Him. To believe in Him again. To have hope again. To imagine what is possible again. By Abram being willing to let Lot go he is saying, I’ll open up fully to you, Lord because I trust you in this moment.” Pastor Tim

It is the process Jesus is most concerned with, not the outcome. We want the outcome and want it quickly. Every time you choose to trust Jesus in a moment of any given circumstance it is like laying a stone in the foundation of your life.

Let’s finish this story by looking at what happens when Abram let the past leave? In verse 14, Yahweh shows up and says, NOW, let me show you what I have in store for you. Lift up your eyes and as far as you can see either direction, I give to you and your seed. You walk its length and width, and everywhere you go I will give you as a gift.

Beloved, see yourself at the altar right now. What from your past are you still carrying in your heart? What has the Holy Spirit shown you this week? I ask you to take what you are thinking of right now and lay it down at His feet. Let go and trust Him with your future.

Lift up your eyes, Beloved! He has a gift for you and your descendants!




Restoration of All Things