Spit is Offensive but Healing

“As long as I am with you my life is the light that pierces the world’s darkness.” Then Jesus spat on the ground and made some clay with his saliva. Then he anointed the blind man’s eyes with the clay. And he said to the blind man, “Now go and wash the clay from your eyes in the ritual pool of Siloam.” So he went and washed his face and as he came back, he could see for the first time in his life!” John 9:5-7

Yesterday we talked about seeing situations the way Jesus wants us to see them, but sometimes this comes by way of hearing first. Let me explain. We learned yesterday the belief in this culture was if someone was blind or sick in any way, they believed it was a direct effect of some type of sin therefore they would show their disgust with that person by way of spitting at their feet. When a person is blind, they typically have excellent hearing. This blind man’s whole life has been filled with hearing the sounds of spitting at his feet. After a while I am sure this effected what he believed about himself. We too have heard a lot of things in our lives that would be similar to the spitting on the ground. As a child, maybe you had parents or grandparents who spoke down to you. It made you feel low and like nothing you ever did would be good enough for them, so you’ve allowed it to blind you to who you really are. Maybe it was a spouse who was verbally or physically abusive and you believed it was all your fault. Or you were bullied in school growing up and it has affected how you see yourself.

Jesus never wants to leave us in our darkness. He will come after those things that hinder how we see ourselves, but oftentimes when He initially comforts those areas it will seem offensive. He initiated this man’s healing by doing what everyone else did. He spat on the ground. All this man could hear was the same old thing- the spit of what he thought was disgust. Oh, but was he in for a treat. He just didn’t know it at first.

Here’s the question to you:

What if what your heart has always wanted to see is on the other side of what you refuse to hear?

This is the time to sit and ponder. Ask questions. Lord, what does my heart long to see in my life and the lives of my family? Allow Him to show you dreams you’ve given up on, longings you buried deep inside because you lost hope. Holy Spirit, what have I refused to hear you say because of pride or pain? Maybe the refusal stems directly from something your parents did or didn’t do, an action by another person who hurt you, or it is a choice of your own doing, either way Jesus has come to confront it. This could be the hardest thing you have ever had to hear but OH, on the other side of this YOU WILL SEE A MIRACLE in your life.

This past June the Lord was talking to me about things in my life I was putting before Him. At first, I didn’t want to admit it. I made excuses of why, but He kept pouring on grace with His truth and my eyes were open. On this side of making Him priority I have seen things shift in my own life and heart. I can hear His voice now in a crowded room. Let Him speak to you. He wants the absolute best for you. Surrender to what He wants to tell you and obey His leading, even if at first it seems offensive.

In the beginning of this scripture, Jesus says, “As long as I am with you my life is the light that pierces the world’s darkness.” Let Him light up the dark parts of your heart so you can go and LIGHT UP THE WORLD AROUND YOU!


Times of Refreshing


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