What Lense are You Using?

“Afterward, as Jesus walked down the street, he noticed a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused this guy’s blindness, his own, or the sin of his parents?” Jesus answered, “Neither. It happened to him so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle” John 9:1-3

The disciples had this perspective if someone has a sickness or suffering in some way, they must have done something wrong. This perspective came from the culture around them. It was thought in that time if you had any type of ailment, it was a punishment for something you did, or it was a generational curse.

We often think the same way. Who do you know that always has something bad happening in their life? Have you ever thought, “what did they do to deserve all of this?” Or maybe it is finances for you. Always a struggle every month. Have you ever thought, “Why is this happening? I work hard. I give,” but there is always something that keeps you from getting ahead.

Jesus is here to teach us the correct way of thinking. He said, “Neither. It happened to him so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle.” Today, He is here to challenge how we approach problems in our own lives and in the lives of others. These moments of sickness or some issue happening is the opportunity to encounter Jesus. Stop and ask the Holy Spirit, what miracle do you want me to see? He wants us to look through the lenses of the Cross. These lenses are of love, restoration, and hope. Never of punishment. It starts with seeing things how he sees them. We cannot continue to carry beliefs that were passed down or beliefs that are part of a culture around us. We are the ones to bring hope, restoration and love to others, but it has to be the core of who we are. You can’t fake the power of the Cross. It brings real miracles and real change to people’s lives.

It is time to give Jesus His due reward for the sacrifice He made. We do this by walking in our true identity, Beloved sons and Beloved daughters and then we bring this hope and truth to others so they can witness His miracles too.

Holy Spirit, thank you for revealing the truth of your Word to us. Help us to see ourselves as You see us. Beloved sons and daughters full of love and hope for others. Let us see the world around us through your eyes, so when people encounter us, they encounter You and will experience miracles in their life.


Spit is Offensive but Healing


Kingdom Family