You Were Made For His Eyes

(4 minutes)

Completely shocked by Jesus' answer, he turned and walked away very sad, for he was extremely rich. (Mark 10:22)

"This young man had an opportunity to have the adventure of a lifetime, but he was unwilling to let go of the very thing that garnered him applause, wealth, and influence." - Pastor Tim

Religion was the sophisticated trap that assisted this man in living disconnected from the heart of God. Can you see how dangerous this sophisticated trap is to the intimacy we're supposed to share with Jesus? It distracts us with to-do lists, serving, ministries, causes, callings, wealth, status, and numbers. All the while Jesus is simply an addition, a side dish, to the life we're creating. And when asked to sit down and simply love Jesus, we feel like we're being robbed of our entire identity. Pastor Tim said it like this on Sunday:

"We fall in love with forms, systems, and methods instead of the heart of God, instead of the face of Jesus. We make it about everything else instead of Him. Because we've been caught in a sophisticated trap. It's decorated like Jesus, like Christianity, but it's not Jesus and it's not Christianity."

Have we found our identity in something other than Abba's love for us?

Is there something that would make us walk away from Jesus if He asked us to give it up?

When Jesus comes to put His finger on the area that we're unwilling to give up, it's an invitation, not condemnation. Remember, Jesus had a fixed gaze and was filled with tender love as He spoke to the rich, young ruler. The invitation is to let go of the false identity that is robbing us of the real thing so we can step into our original identity, our beloved identity.

There's an amazing thing that happens when we let this false identity go. We discover what we were really made for - His eyes. We were made to be lovers of His presence. And when Jesus becomes our one and only priority, everything else that we need is added to our lives.

So above all, constantly seek God's kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. (Matthew 6:33)

He wants your heart - your whole heart, like any lover would. He wants to be your One and Only.

Are you ready to let go of that false identity and step into who you really are? It will be the adventure of a lifetime. He's coming after everything that hinders love. It's not just bad things - it's good things that we still put before Him. He's coming after those too, because they are getting in the way of the love He wants to share with His bride.

Hear the Bridegroom's words today: "Beloved Bride, you are not what you do. You are not what you have. You are not what others say about you. You are mine and only mine! Can you sit down and simply fall in love with me? I would never ask you to do anything I'm not willing to do myself. I gave up everything for you. You mean that much to me. Come away with Me, and discover what you were made for - born for. Gaze into My eyes until you see what I see."

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Worship: "Tend" by Upperroom

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


You Can Trust The Father


Everything That Hinders Love