You Are My Beloved

“When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” Luke 3:21-22

The MOST IMPORTANT thing we can hear and believe is YOU are my Beloved son and Beloved daughter. If you have been a believer for a long time and was told repeating a prayer was the most important so you know where you will spend eternity - you were lied to by American Christianity. Our example of ALL things is Jesus. How His life transpired is what we follow. In Luke 3 Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit rested upon Him- the next thing is the voice of the Father from heaven speaking audibly so everyone could hear-


Remember yesterday we talked about Jesus being pulled back at 12 because the Father would not allow Him to do any ministry until He was affirmed with Beloved Identity. Up until this moment Jesus has not done any miracles. In fact, in Luke 2:52 after Jesus returned to Nazareth with his parents it says, “As Jesus grew, so did his wisdom and maturity. The favor of men increased upon his life, for he was loved greatly by God.” We must be willing to surrender to Abba and allow Him to pour His affirmation of Beloved Identity over our thinking, our hearts, and our motives. If Jesus needed to be affirmed before He did any ministry how much more do we need the voice of Abba saying over us - You are my beloved. When you do not know who you are in Him you find yourself being used by Christianity. In almost every church in America outside of this knowledge you will hear the leadership tell people God wants to use you in this area. You can use your gift in children’s ministry, worship team, sound booth, door greeter. Abba NEVER wants to use you. EVER. He wants to love you so your heart can be healed.

Pastor Tim shares the truth of the Kingdom of God when he says….

You can’t receive your identity while you are in ministry. You can’t know how God feels about while you are serving other people. I don’t know why but it’s not possible. It took me ten years in the wilderness to become a beloved son. Not doing a thing for ten years. Ten years in the wilderness out from under American Christianity to learn who He was and to learn who I was.

What does Beloved Identity look like? Let’s look at Jesus. When Jesus was being beaten and crucified what was he saying to the people who was doing this to Him? Nothing. He said nothing to them. He prayed for them. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. When you go through the Gospels and see how he responded to people when they questioned Him or mocked Him- he always responded in wisdom, kindness, understanding.

Yesterday, I was speaking to a friend, and she made a comment about getting to a place where we have no buttons to push by other people. Jesus did not have buttons for people to push. Why? He had BELOVED IDENTITY.

We can become so healed, so centered on Jesus, so FULLY ALIVE in Him, we can no longer have any buttons for people to push. We then not only look more like Jesus, but we act more like Jesus in the earth. Which leads us to on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Practical application today: Close your eyes. Ask the Father to reveal His love for you. Let Him smother you with kisses. You are His beloved and you don’t have to do a thing but rest in His goodness.


Walking in the Wilderness


Jesus Surrendered His Will