“For Yahweh is always good and ready to receive you. He’s so loving that it will amaze you—so kind that it will astound you! And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, for he keeps his promises to every generation!” Psalms 100:5

He (Yahweh) NEVER leaves. There really is no word to adequately describe His faithfulness to us. He left His throne to come be with us through His Son. Immanuel- God with us. He is for you. Even when you have made mistakes. He doesn’t pull away from you. He is not disappointed in you.

Maybe you are in a place of discouragement by circumstances you have found yourself in and you have pulled away from Him. He is patiently waiting for you to turn your heart back to His. Re-Engage with Him.

Today in The Walk let’s talk about the INVITATION that came to our family during worship yesterday. He never stops alluring us to His love. The invitation was to an OVERWHELMING LOVE AFFAIR- the Romance of the Ages. What does this look like? Song of Songs 2:6 gives us a beautiful description. “His left hand cradles my head while, his right hand holds me close. I am at rest in this love.” Take a moment to picture this scene. Imagine being held this way. This is a clear description of Face-to-Face Revival. You can hear His encouraging whispers of love.

Maybe you are thinking- but I feel so far away from Him. I have wandered away in my heart and become consumed by other things vying for my attention. When this happens, we can feel weak, discouraged and even numb to the things of the Kingdom, especially His voice. Oh, but His faithfulness, it never stops coming after us to restore the Love Affair.

Our part- RSVP to the invitation TODAY! Yield to His love and goodness. Give Him the seat of honor in your heart. Give Him Lordship in your life. Become obsessed with His eyes, His voice, His face, His presence. There is truly nothing better to give your attention to.

“I am fully devoted to my beloved, and my beloved is fully devoted to me” Song of Songs 6:3

Jesus, we accept your invitation to this romance of the ages- the most overwhelming love affair. As we yield our heart and attention to You, will you teach us to love you like you deserve? There is no one who deserves our affection like you do. You gave it all for us and continue to draw us to yourself. You are worthy of our attention. Forgive us for putting other things ahead of your love. As we choose you each morning putting our hand in yours, we know you will strengthen us, restore us and show us who you created us to be. We are your beloved. Thank you for your faithfulness, your kindness and care.


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Faith Meets Obedience