Why Are You Crying Out To Me?

(5 minutes)

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:13-14)

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground. And I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will charge in after the Israelites. My great glory will be displayed through Pharaoh and his troops, his chariots, and his charioteers. When my glory is displayed through them, all Egypt will see my glory and know that I am the Lord!” (Exodus 14:15-18)

Imagine this! You have Moses telling the people to not be afraid. He told them that if they would just stand still, they would be able to watch the Lord rescue them from the Egyptians. "The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." And in the very next verse, we get some words from Yahweh that seem so out of character.

"Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!"

Are you confused yet? Why in the world would Yahweh say this? Why would Abba respond this way?

"Moses is refusing to see himself as the solution to the problem. Moses doesn't honor Moses. Moses doesn't see how valuable Moses is in this situation. Moses doesn't realize that God has already given him everything he needs, all he has to do is trust what God says about him. But see, Moses is still looking at Moses through the lens of Moses. Are you still looking through the lens of you at you? We get in the habit of saying, 'God will deliver us,' and God is saying, 'I've given you everything you need to deliver you.'" (Pastor Tim)

Yahweh told Moses from the very beginning that he would be the deliverer for the Israelite nation. Moses name means "to deliver and draw out." Moses already had everything he needed to do what Yahweh called him to do. The only thing he was missing was honor.

"God has given every single one of us what we need to see deliverance, but when you don't see you through honor and you don't see the one sitting next to you through honor, you see no help." (Pastor Tim)

The Israelites couldn't honor Moses, and Moses couldn't honor Moses. This is why Yahweh said, "Why are you crying out to me?" He has already put things inside of us - Kingdom solutions that will deliver cities and bring freedom to families, but if we are unable to honor what He's put inside of us and others, we will not see that hoped for deliverance. Honor is the key to moving forward.

What if you are crying out to the Lord for certain situations to be changed, but He is looking back at you and asking you to honor what He's already put inside of you? What if the freedom you long for is tied up in you honoring the Kingdom solution that Yahweh has already put in you or in someone around you?

Remember, Jesus couldn't even perform many miracles because of the lack of honor in His own hometown. The people not being able to honor what Yahweh put inside of Him kept people from experiencing healing.

The cosmos is waiting for you to honor you. You are carrying Kingdom solutions that will bring deliverance to your city. And the areas where you struggle are likely waiting for you to honor what's inside of someone else.

Beloved One, honor is the only way we see this Red Sea parted. Honor is the only way we see deliverance come to our family, our Kingdom family, our city, our state and our nation. Can you believe that Abba has already given you everything you need to see heaven on earth? Can you honor the Kingdom solution that someone else is carrying?

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Worship: "You Say" by Lauren Daigle

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Too Close For Comfort


Camp In Abba’s Goodness