Who’s Teaching Who?

(6 minutes)

But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see. Now, the "Lord" I'm referring to is the Holy Spirit, and wherever he is Lord, there is freedom. We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:16-18)

"Every single one of us has the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. Every one of us. He's there, not to sit with you in darkness, He's there to light your darkness up. He's there to change situations and circumstances. Let me ask you a question: are you having a problem making the same decisions over and over, you have patterns you'd like to see broken in your life? The Holy Spirit is with you to break those patterns. He's not here to let us teach Him how to do life. He's here to teach us how to do life. You have God Himself, here, to teach you how to do life every step of the way. But we have not, because we have not asked, or we have asked amiss." (Pastor Tim)

The Holy Spirit is not here to accompany us through the same issues over and over again like a silent bystander. We all have patterns of brokenness in our lives, areas that we keep responding the same way in, and the change that must happen is our surrendering to the Lordship of the Spirit. We must surrender to the fact that the Spirit desires to teach us in every area of life. We must wake up to the reality that there can be freedom in the areas where the Holy Spirit is Lord.

He doesn't just want us to turn our hearts to Him on Sundays and Tuesday evenings, He wants every day, every moment, to be an opportunity for us to hear Him speak. And He will use everything in our lives to speak to us.

"Guess what? Every single thing in your life is designed to get you closer to Him. Even the things that hurt. Crushing is how wine is actually made. Grapes are crushed and every single one us go through moments of crushing to bring out the Kingdom of God within us...Being planted and being buried looks the same from the outside...Some of us believe we've been buried, and our lives are over, and situations are over, but actually what has happened is you've just been planted." (Pastor Tim)

Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us throughout the day? Are we intentionally turning our hearts to Him in order to learn from the Spirit of Yahweh that's inside of us? Are we allowing every moment, even the hard, crushing ones to be opportunities for Abba to speak to us and teach us a new way?

In every area where the Spirit is Lord, there is freedom. And in every area where He is not Lord, we will continue to struggle. Abba has an answer for the areas where we struggle. Abba has wisdom for our lives that would literally change generations. It's locked up in our surrendering to the Spirit, yielding to His Lordship, and turning our hearts to Him in these moments so we can receive what Abba has for us.

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Worship: "Beauty for Ashes + You're Good" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Also Be


Abba’s Promise: The Veil Will Be Lifted