Who Is Center?

“So he (Elijah) departed from there, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yokes of oxen before him, and he was with the twelfth.” 1 Kings 19:19

Every detail the scriptures give us is important. Why would this be so specific as to how many yokes of oxen Elisha had? This detail is telling us Elisha’s family were farmers. The twelve yokes’ points to their wealth. His family was most likely many generations of farmers. Elijah sees Elisha and knows this is the guy. Why? He was working.

Think about all of the people in the Bible who Yahweh called everyone was working to include Jesus. Jesus wasn’t sitting around waiting for His day of ministry to come. He spent years mastering the craft of carpentry. He carried on a family business and name.

Elisha saw himself as a farmer but not just a farmer. He worked hard for his family. Faithful and diligent to show up and work where he was in this moment of his life. He doesn’t even realize he is prophet. Pastor Tim gave us some important points to apply to our own lives.

“The tension between more and where we are is waiting on us to get content in the place we are right now. We have to be the best where we are with what we have. More will destroy us if we sit and wait for it to show up. Develop who you are in whatever you want to do, or where you feel like God is calling you. Start developing the habits for the position you feel like you're called to. Do you want to be a manager? You want to own your own business? Start developing the integrity to handle the weight of owning your own company by working for someone. This means showing up on time. Work hard. You will never own a successful business slacking off under someone else.” Pastor Tim

These are practical attributes we must develop. This strengthens our integrity to carry weight. So many have found themselves in positions of authority without integrity and it has crushed them. Unfortunately, we have seen this so much in the body of Christ because the church tends to pick people based on the gift they have. This has put a stain on the reflection of Jesus and His Bride to the world and it has to change. We, beloved sons and beloved daughters must be the ones to restore His image on the earth. I know, the thought of this seems impossible. You’re probably thinking what can I do with my little life to change how the world sees Jesus? It starts with where you have Him in your day to day. He must be the center of your life. Every area. It matters so much. If He is not the main focus of your life you will lose the ability to be who you are designed to be.

We have been talking about how we face trials, if Jesus isn’t the absolute center of your life, you will lose the ability to see these trials correctly. He wants to take everything and turn it for our good, but we must see it right and through His eyes.

Ask yourself this question. Where am I right now in life? If I were someone looking from the outside, would I see Jesus as a living display of glory in my actions and words? Now ask the Holy Spirit what He sees. What area is He showing you? There is grace to face the areas He points out. Take the step forward with Him.

I encourage you to write down your journey with Him. It is so beautiful to look back on the tapestry of your life written out on paper. He is faithful to finish the work He has started but you have a part to play also.


Burn The Boats


Face Like a Flint