What Does Trust Look Like?

(5 minutes)

The mighty Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted...(Isaiah 61:1)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12)

"Abba has to restore hope and trust in Him before we can go any further." (Pastor Tim)

Abba is inviting us into the restoration of the entire cosmos. The resurrection of Jesus was the turning point, the moment that marked the restoration of the original design that we had with Abba in the garden, in the beginning. As our hearts are healed and hope is restored, we become the radiant bride that Yahweh plants in the earth to bring about this great restoration of all things. But it's so hard for us to have hope for that, because we're still dealing with areas that are not redeemed or restored.

"Can I just say something: there's no way the Kingdom can enter that situation until you're able to trust first. What does trust look like? What does it feel like? It's you, being able to be in any circumstance, not needing anything to change to be happy. Trust is being able to remain in every circumstance and situation, not needing anything to change to be happy, or in rest, or in peace." (Pastor Tim)

This is the seated posture that we've been talking about. This is what it looks like to come into rest. It's the place of complete faith, or restful trust, in Abba's goodness. It's what allows Jesus to be asleep in the middle of a storm.

You see, the Kingdom can't enter into areas where we're still running around in chaos and unrest, desperately crying out for things to change, so we can have peace.

"God refuses to step in because if He allows things to change to bring you happiness, you'll think change brings happiness. God wants you to know it's His intimacy, it's His love, that brings happiness." (Pastor Tim)

What area is the Kingdom waiting on you to get seated in? What area is waiting on your restful trust?

These are the areas that Abba wants to bring healing to, because your emotions are still submitting to the circumstance and not His goodness.

Abba is inviting us into healing waters. He wants every part of our heart made whole. He wants hope restored in every area of our life. He wants us to be seated in His goodness, no matter what situation or circumstance we find ourselves in.

Will you let His love nourish your heart?

Beloved One, Abba has so much in store for you and your family, and the city that He's planted you in. He has so much in store for the entire cosmos! But it will require healed hearts full of hope to see any of it become a tree of life. Go into your intimacy with Abba today and allow His love to invade your heart. He wants to nourish and bring life to the whole thing. Ruined cities and barren places are waiting on healed, whole Kingdom men and women to step into them with hope that can see Abba's dreams become a reality. This is your inheritance!

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Worship: "You Always Restore" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The Lens of Hopelessness


Hope Restored