Hear and Obey

“Now Yahweh said to Abram, “Leave it all behind —your native land, your people, your father’s household, and go to the land that I will show you. Follow me, and I will make you into a great nation. I will exceedingly bless and prosper you, and I will make you famous, so that you will be a tremendous source of blessing for others. I will bless all who bless you and curse all who curse you. And through you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-2

Two words we say a lot at The Wilderness Place is HEAR and OBEY!

Let’s start with hearing the voice of Yahweh for yourself. If this is not something you are acquainted with it can seem overwhelming trying to understand how this happens. In order to hear what someone is saying when you are in a conversation you have to do what?

Listen. Really lean into what they are saying. When you show someone you value what they are saying they will talk more to you. They will share their secrets with you. The innermost part of who they are. Yahweh is no different. He wants to talk to you. He wants to share the secrets of the Kingdom with you, but your value upon what He is saying determines how much you hear Him. Abram heard the voice of Yahweh speak to him because he had already developed intimacy with Him.

You can develop intimacy first by reading and meditating on the scriptures of Yahweh. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of who He is. As you meditate on His word let Him speak to you about it. As you grow in hearing His voice concerning your daily life the next step is obey. Imagine if Abram did not obey the voice of Yahweh?

Abram’s obedience brought blessings upon blessings for many generations. Our obedience can and will change the environment around us.

What are some things Abba may be talking to you about?

  • Calling someone to check on them

  • Cut your elderly neighbor’s grass

  • Mend broken family relationships

  • Give your time and resources to make a place beautiful

  • Get off social media

  • Leave a job

  • Give your family undivided attention

These are practical ways to hear His voice and obey. When we put His ways above ours, we can see the change in the world around us. The more we hear and obey; the more He will speak to us. The more transformation we see.

Tuesday night at Linger House, Pastor Tim shared out of Ezekial about how Yahweh was looking for someone to stand on the wall for others. When we are attentive to His voice as we go about our daily lives, He will show us people we can intercede for. May we be intentional in our listening for His voice.

Ask Abba to speak to you. Be aware of Him each day and listen for His sweet voice.


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