The Spirit of Yahweh is Upon You

(5 minutes)

The mighty Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is wrapped (upon, in on over, above by, for, through, throughout, around, beside) around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted, to tell captives, "You are free," and to tell prisoners, "Be free from your darkness." I am sent to announce a new season (eon) of Yahweh's grace and a time of God's recompense on his enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion -- to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness.

Because of this, they (you, me, us) will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory. They will restore ruins from long ago and rebuild what was long devastated. They will renew ruined cities and desolations of past generations. (Isaiah 61:1-4)

This is the very first thing that Jesus reads from the scriptures in the temple, announcing what Yahweh had sent Him to accomplish on earth. Pastor Tim made this statement on Sunday: "Isaiah is speaking this about God, he's speaking it about himself, and he's speaking it about you." We have to see this scripture as a prophetic announcement about our own life, too.

We have been wrapped up in the mighty Spirit of Yahweh. He is calling us to be messengers of the good news. He's sending us to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted, to set captives free, to announce the age (or eon) of Yahweh's grace and a time of God's judgment against His enemies, everything that is hindering love in His beloved sons and daughters. We're called to comfort those who are drowning in sorrow and hopelessness. And we're anointed to strengthen those who are being crushed by despair. But we're only able to do these things when we allow Abba to release this same measure of wholeness into our own inner garden! Have you ever wondered why the church hasn't been able to impact and influence the ruined cities like this verse says we should? It's because we haven't allowed Abba to produce these things in our own lives.

Pastor Tim spoke more about this verse last night at Linger House. He explained that we can't do any of this until we allow the Spirit of God to produce it in us first. If our inner world is still ruled by chaos, we won't be able to bring wholeness to the ruined cities. If we're still governed by a darkened perspective of Abba, we won't be able to show others how good He is. If we're still walking around with a broken heart, we won't be able to usher others into healing. We can only give away what we have. This is what Abba desires to do in the lives of those that He lures into the wilderness place. The wilderness is the place where He establishes these things in our hearts, so we can be released into the world, anointed to produce the same thing in others.

This must be the starting place for every beloved son and daughter.

Have you allowed Abba to produce this measure of wholeness in your own life?

Have you allowed the Spirit of Yahweh to speak good news over you, to heal your broken heart, to set you free from captivity and the dark perspective you have of Abba? Have you experienced Yahweh's grace and His jealous love coming after everything that has hindered you from enjoying this love affair with Jesus? Have you allowed Him to comfort you and strengthen you? Have you made the great exchange with Abba where you trade in your ashes for His beauty, your tears for His bliss, your heaviness for His joyous praise?

This is what He wants to do in your life today as you walk with Him. He wants you, His beloved sons and daughters, to walk in the wholeness and freedom that Jesus purchased for you on the cross. He will not settle for anything short of abundant life. His wraparound presence has enveloped you, and it's working in every moment to produce the fruit of the Kingdom in you. Have you surrendered to the process of becoming whole? Like any relationship, it takes the commitment and intentionality of two people! And as Pastor Tim says so often, "He will not be the weak link in this relationship." Abba is fully committed to showing up every single day to plant, water, and tend your inner garden, but He wants to do it together.

Open your heart up to Him in the secret place today, and let His love nourish your heart. Surrender to Yahweh's process of becoming whole. You don't have to strive or earn this freedom, you just have to open up your heart in extravagant worship, and "let Him" produce it in you... for you.

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Worship: "Made For More" by Josh Baldwin

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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