The Price We Pay For Picking Up Swords

(5 minutes)

David laid down his harp and picked up a sword, all because he never allowed the heart-shot to be healed. Yahweh never intended for David to become a man of war. And that wasn't David's real passion either. David had a deep longing in his heart, one that we discover as we continue in his story. David longed to build a house for the Lord, a temple where the presence of God could dwell. One day when David is old and near death, he gathers his mighty men around him and delivers a message to them. It's his last words and last words are typically some of the most important words of our life because we recount what really mattered to us the entire time. Listen to King David's:

Then King David rose to his feet and said, "Listen to me, my brothers and my people; I had it within my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Yahweh and for the footstool of the feet of our God. So I had made preparations to build it. But God said to me, 'You shall not build a house for My name because you are a man of war and have shed blood.'" (1 Chronicles 28:2-3)

The one thing that David was most passionate about, and I would say most passionate about from the very beginning of his life, he was not allowed to do. Yahweh would not allow him to build a house for Him because David was a man of war and had too much blood on his hands. What is the price that you pay for never allowing your heart to be healed? You settle for a life of striving and chasing applause, instead of the life you were uniquely and passionately designed to live. The price of picking up the sword is forfeiting the rest, peace, and fulfillment that could have been inherited from Yahweh had you just kept hosting His presence and being healed as you played your harp.

You can be named, Beloved. You can love God and God can love you. You can be known by God as a man or woman after His own heart. And you can be all of that without receiving the whole heart that Abba desired for you to have the entire time. I believe that Yahweh was constantly inviting David into the rest, the stillness, and the secret place of His presence so He could deal with David's heart. But David could not sit long enough to allow the healing to go as deep as it needed to go. It's impossible to hear Abba's voice while you're swinging swords.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life [the one that you were originally passionate about living]. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)

Beloved One, you were not created to strive and chase the applause of people. You were not designed to live with a heart that is starved for affection. You were not made to find fulfillment in the cheap imitation of other people's approval. Allow Abba's love to come and heal every heart-shot of the past. Allow His affection to fill every crack and wound. Rest in His hands and let him make you again, into another vessel. One that is healed, whole, and filled with His perfect love.

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Worship: "You Restore Everything" by Rick Pino & Abbie Gamboa

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


Beauty for Ashes


Harps, Swords, and Chasing Applause