The Old, Broke Slave

(5 minutes)

As Jesus started on his way, a man came running up to him. Kneeling down in front of him, he cried out, "Good Teacher, what one thing am I required to do to gain eternal life?" Jesus responded, "Why do you call me good? Only God is truly good. You already know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give a false testimony, do not cheat, and honor your father and mother.'" The man said to Jesus, "Teacher, I have carefully obeyed these laws since my youth." Jesus fixed his gaze upon the man, with tender love, and said to him, "Yet there is still one thing in you lacking. Go, sell all that you have and give the money to the poor. Then all of your treasure will be in heaven. After you've done this, come back and walk with me." Completely shocked by Jesus' answer, he turned and walked away very sad, for he was extremely rich. (Mark 10:17-22)

It is clear that the rich, young ruler found his identity in his wealth and status. When asked to leave it behind and come follow the Son of God, he simply could not let it go because losing it would be losing himself. This is why we must be radically defined, only as those beloved of the Father. Because this is the only thing that can't be taken away from us.

What happens when we put our identity in something other than Abba's love for us? Some of us have already seen this happen in our lives. You put your identity into your work ethic, and then you lose your job. You put your identity in your social status, and then you lose your dream house. Pastor Tim shared his personal testimony this past Tuesday of the season that his identity was in his sports career, and then he suffered an injury that ruined any chance at playing professional football. You put your identity in being a good father or mother, and then your relationship with your children becomes distant and strained. What happens when you put your identity in something only to have it stripped away? You crash. You lose hope. Like the rich, young ruler you are "completely shocked" and you walk away sad.

This is what Abba is coming after in our lives. These areas where we find our identity in things other than Him. Why? Because He doesn't ever want us to lose our identity, and as long as we're finding it in these other things we're susceptible to hurt, pain, and a fear that He doesn't want us living in. Imagine watching your own child become so attached to something that it becomes their life, the air they breathe, their reason for getting up in the morning. And imagine what you would feel if you had to witness them losing that thing. Abba's burning love for us is what motivates Him to come after these areas in our lives. If our identity is in Him and how He feels about us, we never lose our identity ever again. Things may come and go, but this always remains the same - Abba and His love for us.

Church history tells us about the unfortunate end to the rich, young ruler’s life. Forty years after his encounter with Jesus, when Rome destroyed Jerusalem, the rich, young ruler ended up being the broke, old slave. He lost his riches to the Roman empire. He was no longer a young man. And his position and status fell to the bottom rung of the social ladder. The thing he found his identity in and walked away from Jesus in order to keep, he ended up losing anyway.

I want to believe that Abba met him in that moment because He has a way of waiting us out. He's patient with us. And sometimes it takes losing what you thought you wanted to truly see what you can't live without.

This reminds me of some song lyrics:

"Cause there's no shame
in looking like a fool
When I give You what I can't keep
To take a hold of You"

Jesus' offensive words to the rich, young ruler were an invitation. "Son, will you give up what you can't keep, to take a hold of Me?" Jesus was opening a door for this young man to experience a deeper level of trust and intimacy, and an identity that he would never have to lose. He's offering the same thing to us. It's an invitation to step into something greater, a higher dimension, an unbroken fellowship with Yahweh.

Are we willing to give up what we can't keep to take a hold of Him?

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Worship:  "Head to the Heart" by United Pursuit

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


The Obsession of My Life


Abba’s Priority Is Intimacy