The Father Loves Formlessness

(6 minutes)

"I'm just asking you to take what is said in this room into intimacy with the Lord, and ask Him about it. Don't shut off your brain with your opinion. Part of turning to Him and having the veil removed is being open to receive and hear something that maybe you haven't heard before. Maybe part of having an open heart is being able to say, 'I will let myself hear and ponder this word.' Because it's the pondering that allows it to go deeper into your heart and change a moment, change a life, and change a generation." (Pastor Tim)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2)

"Understand Abba is attracted to the formless things. Maybe we have not had Him attracted to some of our things because we demanded that it look a certain way. What is God repelled by because we won't let Him decide what it looks like, what it sounds like. The word of God says that the attribute of God Himself is that He's attracted to formless things, but we build things and then say, 'Lord, will you please do something with this thing that I built? Do something with this job that I want? Do something with who I am?' And Abba is saying, 'Well, wait a minute. Let's start from scratch.' And we say, 'Oh no, I'm not willing to start from scratch.' But see, there's something about Abba that's attracted to formless things." (Pastor Tim)

Are we allowing Abba to bring us to the place of formlessness? Or are we demanding that He do something with what we've already built? Wow, what a question to bring into intimacy with Abba today. Abba loves when we're willing to level something to the ground so He can build what He wants to build in our lives. Formlessness frightens us sometimes because we secretly want to be in control of every aspect of our life. But there is so much peace and joy in letting go and letting Abba establish us. Abba is attracted to formlessness - our willingness to let go of what we want, so we can have something better - what He wants!

"What are you demanding to hold onto that you built, but Abba is refraining from filling with His presence and power? Could this be an issue in the Bride? We've built things to look the way we like, instead of asking Him what do you like? See, we're here to minister and serve Abba. We're here to behold Him. This entire thing is supposed to be for Him. But we got over into making it for you. And that's the problem. If I make it for you, I've got to entertain you. And it's not you I'm trying to get here. I want Him here!" (Pastor Tim)

Is our life, is our day about ministering and serving Abba, or is it about entertaining and serving ourselves? Do we want more of His presence, or do we just want more of ourselves and our own opinions and thoughts? What are we demanding to hold onto that we built for ourselves that Abba is refraining from filling with His presence and power because He prefers the formless things over things built without Him in mind?

Embracing formlessness requires us to also embrace His Lordship. Formlessness requires us to trust that Abba is pure light and that there's no trace of darkness in Him. Formlessness requires us to believe that He knows what is best for us. Formlessness asks us to trust His goodness.

Beloved One, it's okay to become clay in the Potter's hands. His hands are the safest place you can be. Just trust Him and know that what He's wanting to build is so much better!

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Worship: "Palm of Your Hand" by TRIBL

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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