Diligent to Understand

“Then he said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to your longing to understand,  much more will be added to you. For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation. But those who don’t listen with open hearts will lose what little they think they have!” Mark 4:24-25

Let’s look at Mark 4 a little closer. Read it again. Wait a minute to see what stands out to you. We encourage you to take your time in reading the scriptures.

“Be diligent to understand.” What does diligent to understand look like to YOU? He wants to communicate with you about every situation in your life and the lives of those around us. He says ‘Be diligent,” this requires intentionally listening to Him. When you intentionally lean in to His voice you are making space for Him to show you things about yourself, others and the Kingdom. Oftentimes, it allows us to see things in a different perspective than we have viewed it in the past. As we are diligent in opening up our hearts to listen and understand, He promises to give more revelation and more understanding. How often do you stop and ask the Holy Spirit about something that is going on in you, around you or with someone else, and do you give Him space to speak to you in those moments?

“I know every heart in this room is here because you want more of Jesus. You want more connection with Him. You want to hear His voice more.” Pastor Tim

Right now take a moment and ask yourself what are some areas you would like to have more understanding in. Ask the Holy Spirit how to better steward the understanding you have in those areas right now.

Abba, we are so thankful for your truth and the ways of the Kingdom. We choose your ways today. We ask for grace and mercy has we surrender our hearts to you. Help us to be diligent in listening with open hearts what you want to say to us.


Grief for Grace


Trust in the Lord