Something Is Shifting, Hope Is Rising

(5 minutes)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when desire comes, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 NKJV)

How do we have hope restored? How do we believe for the impossible again?

Like Pastor Tim said on Sunday, this is about us getting into intimacy with Abba and allowing Him to bring up the special things He's put inside of us, things we enjoyed when we were children, things that we're uniquely designed to hope and dream for. Abba will uncover these areas in intimacy with Him and hope will be restored. This is all about finding our original design and original passions that Abba placed inside of us, because we had hope once, when we believed anything was possible.

We were designed to enjoy life. We were designed to be full of hope, seeing trees of life being planted in our lives that are actually our dreams being realized. That's the Kingdom life that we're called to be living right now. "Joy in every step we take." (Pastor Tim) Will we still go through hard and difficult things? Sure. But there's something different about how we walk through those things. "There's purpose, even in the steps that hurt. Even in the rejection, there's hope in it. There's purpose. I can endure anything if there's purpose." (Pastor Tim) And you can, too. The reason we don't endure is that we're not seeing our lives as full of purpose. Hopelessness has convinced us that our lives are meaningless. Abba is coming after this way of seeing in us. He will not stop until we are fully alive, and full of hope.

And this is not just about us getting hope inside of ourselves. It's about becoming hope. Your life is supposed to become a hope for others. It's designed to be a living witness of what it looks like to walk with Abba. "There are millions of people going through the same thing, who have gone through the same thing, that feel like there's no hope, until they see how you walk through it, with hope." (Pastor Tim)

"It's God's will for you to have a headdress of hope. It's God's will for you have bliss. It's God's will for every area of your life to point back to Him, and be a reason somebody wants Him." (Pastor Tim)

We don't dream because we don't have any hope of things changing. But something is shifting. We're beginning to see Abba differently and ourselves differently, and hope is right around the corner. Everything we need is locked up inside of intimacy with Abba.

Tomorrow we will look at a story that will be so significant in seeing hope restored in our lives. A key will be given to us in this story that will change everything. As you walk with Abba today, let Him prepare your heart for hope. Can you get your hopes up that hope is coming? That hope is rising up in you? Things are shifting in you, whether you can see it or not. You've been heading in this direction for some time now, and Abba is about to reveal things to you in intimacy that will unlock the hope inside of you. The only thing that's required from you is a, "Yes and I do!"

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Worship: "You Saved Me" by UPPERROOM

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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