Restoration of All Things
It is so interesting we have been on the subject of love this week leading up to Valentines. I did not realize this until yesterday. Abba really does want to rescue everything from an inferior meaning. We will do a recap of where we walked this week and what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to us. As we know it is important to value every seed.
Ephesians 4 tells us, IF we have really experienced Jesus and heard His truth, it will be seen in our lives. We are called to be transformed into His image right now. A true, tangible expression of Jesus to those around us. How do we do this? By hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. Allowing Him to speak into areas of our lives that do not quite look like Him. Remember, this is not about dos and don’ts it is about growing in our intimacy with Jesus.
This week we walked in the story of John the Baptizer. A man who had a prophesy about him in the Old Testament, and one whose birth was a miraculous story. John grew up in a household of significant priestly family. He and his parents all being filled with the Holy Spirit. John loved Abba and knew he had a special calling on his life. He did exactly what he was supposed to do, until he didn’t. John lost track of who he was designed to be because he let success cloud his judgement. When he baptized Jesus and heard the voice of Abba come from heaven, he should have made the pivot to follow Jesus. Instead, he continued to do his own thing even though Jesus asked him not to do what he was planning. This is why it is important for us to seek the voice of the Holy Spirit for our lives, so we are walking the path Abba has for us. When we choose our own way, it leads to death. It may not be physical death, but it is spiritual death. Our soul suffers and so will those around us. We must be willing to lay down anything he is asking of us. Faith is not needed when we choose our own way. It is required to follow after Him, but it is the absolute most rewarding. Has He asked you to lay something down this week?
Even in ministry where we think, “but I am doing this all for Jesus,” we are reminded He has to be our first priority. We walked through Revelations this week and looked into the letter John the Beloved wrote to the church of Ephesus about where their heart was. It was not on Jesus. It was on their ministry. Jesus is not interested in anything we are doing if He is not priority. Why? He knows what happens to us when we put him on the back burner. Have you ever witnessed a couple who were married for twenty plus years, raised a family and looked so successful to end up getting a divorce after the children were out of the house? How does this happen? They forgot how it all started. With the two of them. If you don’t make your relationship with your spouse a priority the rest will fail. How much more do we need to make our relationship with Jesus a priority. He has to be our first love. Every morning you wake up choose Him. Let Him be the first one you talk to and gaze upon. As we learn to walk out our intimate union with Him our relationship grows stronger and stronger.
As this happens, the beautiful agape love we experience with Jesus will extend to those around us. This is how we make the world a better place by how we love others. When we love others with agape love not expecting anything in return it extends grace and mercy for their hearts to soften to the Holy Spirit. When we love unconditionally it causes people to ask, “what is different about them?” They will see the real Jesus in us and feel the real love of a Father. This is what will change the world.
Aren’t you thankful for the truths we are hearing and the transformation we are seeing in our lives? I cannot express the excitement in our hearts for what is happening in this family. It is only the beginning of what He has planned for 208 Pass Rd and our cities and the state of Mississippi. We are here to rescue the meaning of love, fathers and family.
He is just getting started! Let’s tell Him thank you for what He has done and will do through our union and love.