Put The Sword Down

“When the other disciples understood what was happening, they asked, “Lord, shall we fight them with our swords?” Just then, one of the disciples swung his sword at the high priest’s servant and slashed off his right ear. Jesus stopped the incident from escalating any further by saying, “Enough of this!” Then he touched the right side of the injured man’s head and the ear grew back —he was healed! Luke 22:49-51

Let’s finish this week digging deeper into the meaning of the sword. In this text of scripture they are in the garden, the mob has come to arrest Jesus. One of the disciples asked do we use our swords? While waiting for the response from Jesus another disciple (Peter) swings his sword and cuts a man’s ear off. 

Can you imagine the emotions of every person in this moment? Put yourself in this place. What would you do if you were there with Jesus? I think if we are all honest with heightened emotions we tend to respond just like Peter, NOT like Jesus. 

Let’s consider the disciples. Go back to Luke 22: 35 TPT

Jesus said, “But now I say to you: Take what you need. If you have money, take it —and a knapsack and a sword.  Danger is imminent.  For the prophetic Scripture about me ‘He will be accused of being a criminal’ will now come to pass. All that was prophesied of me will be fulfilled.” The disciples told him, “Lord, we already have two swords!” “You still don’t understand,” Jesus responded.

I believe this is why they NEEDED to be praying with Him on the Mount of Olives. They needed to connect their hearts to His in order to know how to respond in this situation. Because they failed in intimacy in the garden they misunderstood what He was telling them.

Why would Jesus tell them they needed swords for violence? He never carried a sword- EVER! He was their example for every situation and circumstance. We know today the Words of Jesus and scripture are considered a two-edged sword that reveals true thoughts and motive of our hearts. In this moment, they responded in emotions. They reacted to the situation with violence and in haste.

Jesus will never tell you to use your sword (His words of truth) to cut someone’s ear off. When you see something happening in the world against your faith how do you respond?

Do you go to social media to make your stance against what you’ve seen, or do you pray? Praying in these moments is not asking God to reign judgement down either. It is connecting our hearts to His.

Jesus, how do you see this person? this circumstance? How do you want me to respond?

I feel I can hear Jesus saying to us today- “Stop. That’s enough of this.”

We have to have His heart. Once we have cut people’s ears off, they don’t want to give Jesus a chance to change their lives. In these moments we have misrepresented Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. No one who loves Jesus would ever want to misrepresent Him. Not intentionally. Our intentionality must be to hear His voice.

We have discovered this week in order to be more like Him we must build habits connecting our hearts to His throughout the day in moments of time. Slowing down, ponder what he is saying to you. We do not have to be in a hurry. We miss the most beautiful parts of our day and the beautiful people he wants us to love when we are. Take a deep breath this morning, breath Him in and listen for His voice.

Put the sword down. Pick up kindness and love. This is what will change the world around us.

We would love to hear how Holy Spirit has helped you this week in connecting your heart to His and how it is changing your life. Share with us by clicking the button below.


Your Will Must Be Mine


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