Peripoiesis: Exclusively His

(5 minutes)

"He's only ever asked for our hearts. The whole thing." (Pastor Tim)

Abba wants exclusivity.

Pastor Tim introduced us to his favorite word this past Sunday. It’s found in 1 Peter 2:9.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9 KJV)

Do you see the word "peculiar" in this verse? The Greek word is peripoiesis (per-ee-poy-ay-sis). And peripoiesis doesn't mean peculiar. Peripoiesis is a way to describe something that belongs exclusively to you. It's a possession that has been paid for in its entirety and belongs to no one else, but you.

What if I told you that we were meant to be exclusively His? Like a husband and wife, only ever belonging to the other? We are not meant to be shared with others; our heart is designed to be exclusively His, the whole thing. This idea sounds peculiar and far-fetched, which is probably why the writers of the King James Version used the word peculiar in the first place. Peripoiesis doesn't mean peculiar, but the thought of devoting one's entire existence to only one other person is certainly on the list of peculiarities. But this is the word that Yahweh uses to describe us - exclusively His.

"We expect this in marriage. Think about it: you wouldn't be married to anyone that wasn't exclusive to you. You mean God expects the same thing from me that I expect from my spouse? You mean I can only be His? That means I can't have a thousand obsessions, I can only have one? You mean I can't run after this or feed from that kingdom, I can only feed from His?" (Pastor Tim)

Let's ask the question: are we exclusively His? Do we belong to Him completely? Is He in control of every area of our life? Does He decide what our lives look like, or do we? Does He have a say? Is He the first one we run to when making a decision? If our relationship with Yahweh was a marriage, what would it look like? Are we all in?

Our hearts are uniquely designed to crave peripoiesis: an exclusive, intimate relationship with another. It may be the deepest longing of our hearts, and it can only be found in Yahweh. Our time in religion taught us how to pretend to be exclusively His while we were giving our hearts to other things in secret. That's why it was wrought with suspicion and fear and hiding. That's the same thing you find in a marriage where someone is secretly giving their heart to other things.

But Abba has lured us into the wilderness. He's speaking tenderly to our hearts and He's giving us what we've always cried out for... peripoiesis. What does this intimate, exclusive relationship produce? A radiant Bride who reflects the marvelous light that she's been exposed to in the presence of the Bridegroom King.

Are we mingling? Or are we married? Are we partially His? Occasionally connected? Or are we exclusively His in our entirety?

Take this word, peripoiesis, into your walk with Abba today and let Him talk to you about what exclusivity looks like. We've never been told that our relationship with Him was supposed to look this way. That's okay! But He desires to teach us the ways of His kingdom. Remember, Jesus is extending an invitation to us today, "Metanoia, the Kingdom of God is here!"

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Worship: "Have My Heart" by TRIBL

Honor: Give Online to The Wilderness Place

Share With Us: We would love to hear how you're encountering Abba in your daily walks. Don't hesitate to share what you're hearing, seeing, or sensing in His presence. Email us here!


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